View details in:

  Extermination of Polish Jews: Album of Pictures / Zagłada Zydostwa Polskiego Album Zdjeć  
  Unichtozhenie Evreev v Pol`she (Al`bom Snimkov) / Extermination des Juifs en Pologne - Album de Photographies / Der Churbn fun Poylishn Yidntum (Fotografisher Albom) / Churban Yehudey Polin (Kovetz Tzilumim)  

Author Taffet, Gershon. Friedman, Philip [INTRODUCTION]
Place of Publication Lodz
Publication Name Central Jewish Historical Committee in Poland
Year 1945
Language(s) Hebrew English French Polish Russian Yiddish
RARE multilingual photographic album published in Poland shortly after the end of World War II, when relatively little was known on the magnitude of the genocide perpetrated upon the European Jews. This album contains a short introduction, and 252 b&w photographs of shocking footage from the Jewish settlements at the onset of German occupation, the ghettos into which they were later crowded, and finally photographs of the atrocities committed in the forced labor camps and the extermination camps. Another section of the book is dedicated to the Jewish partisan movements. The photographs were mostly taken as mementos by German soldiers, and are still as shocking today as they were in 1945. The introductory text and the image captions are in Polish, Russian, English, French, Yiddish and Hebrew. 240X335mm. 104 pages (not including the introduction and image captions pages at the end of the book). Black cloth rebound Hardcover with original cover pasted on front cover. Pre-title page and title page edges worn and partly tattered. Captions pages and several last pages water-stained and wavy on bottom edge - no damage to text. Some pages slightly dog-eared - no damage to photographs. Pages slightly yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare and valuable photographic testimony to the horrors of the Holocaust are otherwise in good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 10 50

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