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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 23) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Systemic Pathology II [IN HEBREW]
Edith Gaton / Dan D. Gaton 1997 Tcherikover $20.31 More Details
  Evolution of African Mammals
Maglio, Vincent J. ; Cooke, H. B. S [Ed] 1978 Harvard University Press $75.00 More Details
  Fossil Men: Elements of Human Palaeontology
Boule, Marcellin / Ritchie, Jesie Elliot; Ritchie, James [Trans.] 1923 Oliver and Boyd $35.00 More Details
  Die Schonheit des Weiblichen Korpers: Den Muttern, Arzten und Kunstlern Gewidmet - Vierunddreissigste und Funfunddeissigste Auflage (41. u. 42 Tausend) - Mit 333 Abbildungen und 8 Tafeln
Stratz, C. H. 1922 Ferdinand Enke $25.00 More Details
  Constructions of the Classical Body.
Porter, James I. [Ed.] 2002 [1999] The University of Michigan Press $65.00 More Details
  Shakespeare`s Entrails: Belief, Scepticism and the Interior of the Body.
Hillman, David 2007 Palgrave Macmillan $75.00 More Details
Anatomie Humaine Descriptive et Topographique [THREE VOLUME SET].
Rouvière, H. [Henri] 1948 Masson et Cie. Éditeurs $120.00 More Details
  Anatomie in vivo [TWO VOLUME SET].
Reichert, Bernhard / Kuntz, Philippe; Stelzenmüller, Wolfgang [Trs.] 2007 / 2009 Maloine $65.00 More Details
  Plastische Anatomie: Die Konstruktive Form des Menschlichen Körpers.
Mollier, S. [Siegfried] / Sachs, Herman [Photogr.] 1938 J. F. Bergmann $30.00 More Details
  The Human Nervous System
Paxinos, George [Ed.] 1993 Academin Press $45.00 More Details
Dictionary of Medical Terminology [Terms] (Abd El-Latif / Abdel Latif): ENGLISH - ARABIC
Abd El-Latif Ibrahim, Mohammad [Abdel; Mohammed; Muhammad; Muhammad] 1999 Hadeel Publishing House $100.00 More Details
  Microbial Cell Cycle
Nurse, Paul; Streiblova, Eva [Eds.] 1984 CRS Press $25.00 More Details
Diagnosis and Treatment of Benign and Malignant Monostotic Tumors of the Spine
Wu, Kent K. 1985 National Reproductions Corporation $240.00 More Details
  Lumbosacral and Spinopelvic Fixation
Margulies, Joseph Y. / Floman, Yizhar / Farcy, Jean-Pierre C. / Neuwirth, Michael G. 1996 Lippincott-Raven Publishers $85.00 More Details
  Biologie de la Mort [SIGNED BY AUTHOR]
Klarsfeld, Andre ; Revah, Frederic 1999 Editions Odile Jacob $20.00 More Details
  The Chin
Levignac, J. ; Wolfe, S. Anthony [Eds.] / Ginisty, D.; Petrovic, A.; Stutzmann, J.; Chalaye, J.-C.; Heim, J.-L.; Delaire, J.; et al. ND [1990?] Churchill Livingstone $55.00 More Details
  Whiplash Injuries: Diagnosis and Treatment
Cesarani, A. ; Alpini, D. ; Boniver, R. ; Claussen, C. F. ; Gagey, P. M. ; Magnusson, L. ; Odkvist, L. M. [Eds.] 1996 Springer $35.00 More Details
Symposium on Physiological Effects of Radiation at the Cellular Level
1952 The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology $35.00 More Details
  Die vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen [TWO VOLUME SET] [IN GERMAN]
Kappers, C. U. Ariëns [Cornelius Ubbo] 1920 De Erven F. Bohn $45.00 More Details
  Marci Aurelii Severini... de Abscessuum Recondita Natura, Libri VIII.
Severino, Marco Aurelio [Alt.: Severinus, Marcus Aurelius] 1724 Apud Joannem à Kerckhem [Johann van Kerckhem] $360.00 More Details

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