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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 579) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    An Arduous Road: Samuel Bak: 60 Years of Creativity [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Bak, Samuel / Shendar, Yehudit [EDITOR, CURATOR] 2006 Yad Vashem Art Museum $37.50 More Details
    Job in the Bible, Philosphy and Art: A Symposium of the Department of Bible, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 14, 1993 [IN HEBREW]
Mazor, Lea [Ed.] 1996 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
    Imagining Each Other: Blacks and Jews in Contemporary American Literature
Goffman, Ethan 2000 State University of New York Press $30.00 More Details
    The Mirror and Other Stories [IN YIDDISH]
Bashevis-Singer, Isaac / Shmeruk, Chone [INTODUCTION] 1979 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
  Maine Shturmishe Iorn (Los Anos de Tormenta) [IN YIDDISH]
Mastbaum, Joel 1950 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $40.00 More Details
  Der Letzter Lodzer Roman {La Ultima Novela de Lodz) [IN YIDDISH]
Segalowicz, Z. 1951 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $45.00 More Details
  The Mirror : and Other Stories [IN YIDDISH]
Bashevis-Singer, Isaac 1975 The Hebrew University / Tcherikover $29.69 More Details
  Moses the Man - Master of Prophets: In the Light of Interpretation Throughout the Ages [IN HEBREW]
Hallamish, Moshe; Kasher, Hannah; en-Pazi, Hanokh [Eds.] 2010 Bar Ilan University $37.50 More Details
  Medical Works: Vol. V: Lexicography of Drugs, Medical Responses [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Ben Maimon, Moshe (Maimonides) / Muntner, Suessman [EDIT, ARRANGED, COMMENTARIES] 1969 Mossad Harav Kook $20.31 More Details
  Yiddish Literature in Poland: Historical Studies and Perspectives [IN HEBREW]
Shmeruk, Chone 1981 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
  Orchot Tzaddikim: The Ways of the Righteous [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Cohen, Seymour J. [TRANSLATION] 1982 Ktav $65.00 More Details
  Aharon Mirsky: Jubilee Volume: Essays on Jewish Culture [IN HEBREW]
Malachi, Zvi [EDIT] 1986 Habermann Institute for Literary Research $37.50 More Details
  A Shpigl Oyf A Shteyn: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose By Twelve Soviet Yiddish Writers [IN YIDDISH]
Shmeruk, Ch. [EDIT, INTRODUCTION, NOTES] / Hrushovski, B. ; Shmeruk, Ch. ; Sutzkever, A. [SELECTED] / Pyekazh, M. [BIOGRAPHIES] 1987 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
  Kuentos: Del Folklor De La Famiya Djudeo - Espanyola [IN HEBREW AND LADINO]
Koen - Sarano, Matilda [Notes, Ed, Trans] 1986 Kana $56.25 More Details
  Studies in the History of Popular Culture [IN HEBREW]
Kedar, Benjamin Z. [EDIT] 1996 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $26.56 More Details
  Melech Grafstein`s Sholom Aleichem Panorama
Sholom Aleichem / Grafstein, Max W. [EDIT] 1948 The Jewish Observer $45.00 More Details
  The Apostle: A Novel Based on the Life of St. Paul [SIGNED]
Asch, Sholem / Samuel, Maurice [TRANSLATION] 1943 G. P. Putnam`s Sons $45.00 More Details
  Antologia Poezji Hebrajskiej
Szeps, Zew [TRANSLATION, NOTES] 1974 Oficyna Poetow I Malarzy $45.00 More Details
  Jewish Prince in Moslem Spain: Selected Poems of Samuel Ibn Nagrela [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Ibn Nagrela, Samuel / Weinberger, Leon J. [TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION, NOTES] 1973 The University of Alabama Press $45.00 More Details
  Interpretation of Dreams in S.Y. Agnon`s Literary Works [IN HEBREW]
Schreibaum, Dvora 1993 Papyrus / Tel Aviv University $20.31 More Details

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