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British Mandate for Palestine

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 192) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Engineer-king: David Ben-Gurion, science and nation building [IN HEBREW]
Barell, Ari 2014 The Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Isarel and Zionism - BGU $15.00 More Details
    And The English Was Then I The Land: The Security Aspect of the British Mandate in Eretz Israel [IN HEBREW]
Man, Nir [Ed.] 2009 Carmel / Galili Center for Defence Studies $15.00 More Details
    Deedes Bey: A Study of Sir Wyndham Deedes: 1883-1923
Presland, John 1942 Macmillan & Co. $30.00 More Details
    British Trojan horse in the Israeli War of Liberation: 1947-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Nishry, Ezra 2019 Steimatzky $20.31 More Details
  The Kaf Gimel: Obscure Mission
Naor, Mordecai 2019 Yehuda Dekel Library $17.19 More Details
  Britain and the Holy Land: 1838-1914: Selected Documents from the British Consulate in Jerusalem
Eliav, Mordechai 1997 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $120.00 More Details
  They Sought a Home and Found a Homeland: Youth Aliyah and the Education and Rehabilitation of Holocaust Survivors, 1945-1955
Bar-Gil, Shlomo 1999 Yad Ben-Zvi Press \ Ben-Gurion University of the Negev $18.75 More Details
  Palestine Royal Commission: Report: Presented By The Secretary of State For The Colonies To Parliament By Command of His Majesty July, 1937
1937 His Majesty`s Stationery Office $150.00 More Details
  A Land in the Balance: The Struggle for Palestine: 1918-1948
Dothan, Shmuel / Green, Jeffrey M. [TRANSLATION] 1993 MOD books $35.00 More Details
  When We Lived in Jerusalem
Blyth, Estelle 1927 John Murray $45.00 More Details
  Haj Mohammed Amin El-Husseini: Ex-Mufti of Jerusalem (The Man and His Rise to Power) [IN HEBREW]
Elath, Eliahu 1968 Reshafim $29.69 More Details
  The British Mandate for Palestine, 1948: War and Evacuation [IN HEBREW]
Golani, Motti 2009 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $23.44 More Details
  Between Nationality and Locality: The Jewish Community in Haifa During the British Mandate [IN HEBREW]
Kidron, Anat 2012 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $29.69 More Details
Captain Charles Wilson W. 1980 ARIEL PUBLISHING HOUSE $180.00 More Details
  The History Of The Jewish Community In Eretz-Israel Since 1882 [SEVEN VOLUME SET] [IN HEBREW]
Lissak, Moshe [Chief Editor] 1989 - 2009 The Israel Academy for Sciences and Humanities / The Bialik Institute $140.62 More Details
  Divide or Rule: Britain, Partition and Palestine, 1936-1939 [IN HEBREW]
Klieman, Aharon 1983 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $20.31 More Details
  When Disaster Comes From Afar: Leading Personalities in the Land of Israel Confront Nazism and the Holocaust, 1933-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Porat, Dina ; Halamish, Aviva [Ed.] 2009 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
Ben Gourion: Le Prophete Arme
Bar-Zohar, Michel 1966 Fayard $30.00 More Details
  Foundations Of British Policy In The Arab World: The Cairo Conference of 1921
Klieman, Aaron s. 1970 The Johns Hopkins Press $25.00 More Details
  The British Mandate For Palestine, 1948: War and Evacuation [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH PREFACE]
Golani, Motti 2009 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $17.19 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 192) 

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