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Israeli Wars

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 150) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Engineer-king: David Ben-Gurion, science and nation building [IN HEBREW]
Barell, Ari 2014 The Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Isarel and Zionism - BGU $15.00 More Details
    Truman and The American Commitment to Israel: A Thirtieth Anniversary Conference
Weinstein, Allen ; Ma`oz, Moshe [EDIT] 1981 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    British Trojan horse in the Israeli War of Liberation: 1947-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Nishry, Ezra 2019 Steimatzky $20.31 More Details
    Overlapping Voices: Israeli and Palestinian Artists [ENGLISH AND GERMAN]
Schneider, Karin ; Adler, Tal ; Murkus, Amal [CURATORS] 2008 Edition Sammlung Essl $35.00 More Details
  The Kaf Gimel: Obscure Mission
Naor, Mordecai 2019 Yehuda Dekel Library $17.19 More Details
  Shanghai Lost, Jerusalem Regained
Ben-Eliezer, Judith 1985 ZBM Printing Press $55.00 More Details
  Childhood Under Fire: Stories, Poems and Drawing by Children During the Six Days War [IN HEBREW]
Abba Kobner [EDIT] / Kimchi, Yehezkiel [GRAPHIC EDITOR] 1968 Sifriat Poalim $23.44 More Details
  Always a Jerusalemite [SIGNED]
Romanoff, Eliahu / Yurman, Sara [TRANSLATION] 2014 Contento de Semrik $25.00 More Details
  Nakba and Survival: The Story of Palestinians Who Remained in Haifa and the Galilee, 1948-1956
Manna, Adel 2022 University of California Press $35.00 More Details
  An Unlikely Heroine: Esther Cailingold`s Fight for Jerusalem [SIGNED]
Cailingold, Asher / Navon, Yitzhak [FOREWORD] 2000 Vallentine Mitchell $45.00 More Details
  The Yom Kippur War - Moment of Truth [IN HEBREW]
Bergman, Ronen ; Meltzer, Gil 2003 Miskal $17.19 More Details
  Siege Within Siege: The Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem During the War of Independence [IN HEBREW]
Ehrnvald, Moshe 2004 The Ben-Gurion Research Center / Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev Press $56.25 More Details
  Alex Building A Life: The Story of an American Who Fell Defending Israel. Told in His Letters, Journals and Drawings
Singer, Alexander / Sir Gilbert, Martin[Foreword]] 1996 Gefen $30.00 More Details
  Rabin: O Soldado da Paz
Horovitz, David / Ignez Duque Estrada, Maria [TRANSLATION] 1996 Nova Fronteira $45.00 More Details
  Blintz Krieg `67
Gore, Larry / Porges, Paul Peter 1967 Canyon Books $15.00 More Details
  The Yom Kippur War: Israel and the Jewish People
Davis, Moshe [EDIT] 1974 Arno Press $25.00 More Details
  My Father, His Daughter [SIGNED]
Dayan, Yael 1985 Steimatzky $20.00 More Details
  The Letters Of Jonathan Netanyahu: The Commander Of The Entebbe Rescue Force
Netanyahu, Jonathan [Yoni] \ Wouk, Herman [Introduction] \ Netanyahu, Benjamin ; Netanyahu, Iddo [Foreword and Afterword] 2001 Gefen $35.00 More Details
  Album Illustre De L`operation Sinai [IN HEBREW AND FRENCH]
1956 M. Biran $15.00 More Details
Gepner, Benjamin 1957 Ledory $15.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 150) 

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