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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 36) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Studies in the Philosophy of Biology: Reduction and Related Problems
Ayala, Francisco Jose ; Dobzhansky, Theodosius [EDIT] 1974 Macmillan $45.00 More Details
  The Telomere
Kipling, David 1995 Oxford University Press $25.00 More Details
  Bones and Verdure: An Appreciation of Science in Biblical Expressions
Macht, David Israel 1943 H. G. Roebuck and Son $42.00 More Details
  Le Pluralisme Coherent de la Chimie Moderne.
Bachelard, Gaston 1973 Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin $18.00 More Details
Catalog of the Sidney M. Edelstein Collection of the History of Chemistry, Dyeing and Technology.
Ron, Moshe [Compiler] 1981 The Jewish National and University Library $120.00 More Details
  The Planetary Boundary-Layer of the Atmosphere (PBL) [SIGNED WITH DEDICATION BY AUTHOR].
Wippermann, F. [Friedrich] 1973 Deutscher Wetterdienst $30.00 More Details
  Restauration des Peintures de Chevalet
Émile-Mâle, Gilberte ND Office du Livre $20.00 More Details
  The Jerusalem Symposia on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry [TWO VOLUME SET].
Bergmann, Ernst D. ; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1969 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $45.00 More Details
Encyclopédie des Sciences de la Nature / Encyclopedia of Natural Sciences [al-Mawsu`a fi `ulum al-tabi`a: tabhatu fi al-zira`a wa-al-nabat wa-al-hayawan wa-al-tayr wa-al-samak wa-al-hasarat wa-al-futur] [IN ARABIC with index/lexicon vol. IN LATIN & GREEK, FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN] [FOUR VOLUME SET].
Ghaleb, Edouard [Eduard; Idwar; Galib; ] [1988-1989] Dar el-Machreq sarl $390.00 More Details
  Microbial Cell Cycle
Nurse, Paul; Streiblova, Eva [Eds.] 1984 CRS Press $25.00 More Details
New Developments in Marine Biotechnology.
Le Gal, Y.; Halvorson, H. O.; Lambert, Anne-Marie [Eds.] 1993 Plenum Press $85.00 More Details
  Chemistry and Biological Activities of Bacterial Surface Amphiphiles.
Shockman, Gerald D. ; Wicken, Anthony J. [Eds.] 1981 Academic Press $45.00 More Details
  The Jerusalem Symposia on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry - Volume III: "Aromaticity, Pseudo-Aromaticity, Anti-Aromaticity" [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Bergmann, Ernest D. ; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1971 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities / The Diaspora Research Institute $20.00 More Details
  Physico-Chemical Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis.
Bergmann, Ernst D.; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1969 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $20.00 More Details
Transport through Membranes: Carriers, Channels and Pumps. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusalem, Israel, May 16–19, 1988.
Pullman, Alberte; Jortner, Joshua; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1988 Kluwer Academic Publishers $95.00 More Details
  Chemical and Biochemical Reactivity: Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Jerusalem, 9-13 April 1973.
Bergmann, Ernst D.; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1974 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $65.00 More Details
Reaction Dynamics in Clusters and Condensed Phases: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, Israel, May 17–20, 1993.
Jortner, Joshua; Levine, Raphael David; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers $115.00 More Details
  Mode Selective Chemistry: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusalem, Israel, May 20-23, 1991.
Jortner, J.; Levine, R. D.; Pullman, B. [Eds.] 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers $65.00 More Details
  Conformation of Biological Molecules and Polymers : proceedings of an international symposium held in Jerusalem, 3-9 April 1972.
Bergmann, Ernst D. ; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1973 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $45.00 More Details
Pullman, Bernard ; Jortner, Joshua [Eds.] 1986 D. Reidel $45.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 36) 

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