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Jewish law and Mussar

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 623) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Era of Peace: Thoughts and Meditations [IN HEBREW]
Zaoui, Andre C. 1980 Foundation Nathan Bloch $23.44 More Details
    Roeh Haorot: The Prophet of Light: The Song of Mankind, The Song of Repentance In The Writings of Rabbi A. I. Kook [IN HEBREW]
Prof. Lifshitz, Haim 1978 Hareiya Institute For Research in the Teachings of R. Abraham Isaac Kook / The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law $37.50 More Details
  Principles and Development of Jewish Law: The Concepts ad History of Rabbinic Jurisprudence from Its Inception to Modern Times
Lewittes, Mendell 1987 Bloch Publishing Company $95.00 More Details
  Women at Prayer: A Halakhic Analysis of Women`s Prayer Groups
Weiss, Avraham 1990 Ktav $25.00 More Details
  Halakhah and Kabbalah: Studies in the History of Jewish Religion, It`s Various Faces and Social Relevance [IN HEBREW]
Katz, Jacob 1986 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $68.75 More Details
  Life & Teachings of Isaiah Horowitz
Rabbi Dr. Newman, Eugene 1972 $30.00 More Details
  The Yalkut on Isaiah
Mari, Machir B. Abba 1894 $75.00 More Details
  Donum Gentilicium: New Testament Studies in Honour of David Daube [IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN]
Bammel, E. ; Barrett, C. K. ; Davies, W. D. [EDIT] 1978 At The Clarendon Press $30.00 More Details
  Halachische Schriften der Geonim [VOL. 1+2 BOUND AS ONE. Vol. 1: Halachoth Kezuwoth des Rabbi Jehudai Gaon; Parschijoth- und Haftarpthordung fur Festtage; Gutachten der Geonim; Sammluug verschiedener Abhandlungen; Zehn Fragen des Rabbi Saadia Gaon; Die Thalmudlehrer als Weltweisen. Vol. 2: Gutachten des Rabbi Netronai Gaon; Hilchoth Nidda; Gutachten der Geonim; Gutachten des Rabbi Haj Gaon.] [IN HEBREW]
Horowitz, Chaim M. 1881 Selbstverlag des Herausgebers $56.25 More Details
  Decisions Rituelles de Rabenou Ye`hiel de Paris et Des Rabbins de France
Rabbin Pines, Eliyahou Dov 1979 Ma`hon Yerouchalayim $37.50 More Details
  Omer Hachikhah(La Gerbe De L`oubli)[signed]
Gabichon, Abraham / Sirat, Rene-Samuel[reedition] 1973 Kedem $118.75 More Details
  The Rosenbaums of Zell: A Study of a Family
Strauss, Berthold 1962 G. J. George & Co. $65.00 More Details
  Jewish Commercial Law [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW]
Dr. Warhaftig, Shilem 1990 The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law $75.00 More Details
  Te`Uda X: Studies in Judaica [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED]
Friedman, Mordechai A. [EDIT] 1996 Ramot Publishing $29.69 More Details
  An Introduction to Talmudic Literature
Melamed, E. Z. 1973 Yeshivat Sha`arey Rachamim / Bar Ilan University / Tel Aviv University $56.25 More Details
  A Bibliography of Jewish Law [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW]
Rakover, Nahum 1975 The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law $37.50 More Details
  Ma`amar Meshare Qitrin: Constantinople 1510 [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW]
Ben Eliezer Ha-Levi, Abraham / Scholem, Gershon [INTRODUCTION] / Beit-Arie, Malachi [REVISITED BY] 1977 Jewish National & University Library Press / Arno Press $56.25 More Details
  The Social and Political Ideas of Maimonides
Shwarz, Zvi 1988 Rubin Mass $65.00 More Details
  The Ketuba: Jewish Marriage Contracts Through The Ages [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Davidovitch, David / Roth, Cecil [Foreword] 1979 E. Lewin-Epstein $37.50 More Details
  The Ketuba: Jewish Marriage Contracts Through The Ages [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Davidovitch, David / Roth, Cecil [Foreword] Adama Books / Levin-Epshtein-Modam $29.69 More Details

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