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Maps of the Holy Land

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 66) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery of The Holy Land
Thomson, W. M., D.D. 1873 T. Nelson and Sons $90.00 More Details
  Extracts From Annals of Palestine, 1821-1841; Manuscript
Monk Neophitos of Cyprus / Spyridon, S.N.[Translation] 1938 ARIEL PUBLISHING HOUSE $25.00 More Details
Captain Charles Wilson W. 1980 ARIEL PUBLISHING HOUSE $180.00 More Details
  Atlas Daat Mikra: A Compendium of Geographical - Historical Terms in the Scriptures [IN HEBREW]
Elitzur, Yehuda ; Kiel, Yehuda 1993 Mossad Harav Kook $20.31 More Details
  Geography of Israel
Orni, Efraim; Efrat, Elisha 1964 Israel Program for Scientific Translations $30.00 More Details
  Israel Water Resources: Chapters in Hydrology and Environmental Sciences
Gvirtzman, Haim 2002 Yad Ben-Zvi Press $37.50 More Details
  Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Shivta (166)
Baumgarten, Ya`aqov 2004 Israel Antiquities Authority $20.31 More Details
  Map of Mikhmoret (52) Map of Hadera (53) [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH].
Neeman, Yehuda; Sender, Shlomo; Oren, Eldad 2000 Israel Antiquities Authority $15.00 More Details
  Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Yagur (27)
Olami, Ya`aqov ; Sender, Shlomo ; Oren, Eldad 2004 Israel Antiquities Authority $17.19 More Details
  Chronologisches Verzeichnis: Der von 333 bis 1878 Verfassten Literatur Uber die Heilige Land mit dem Verusch Einer Kartographie
Rohricht, Reinhold 1963 The Universitas Booksellers of Jerusalem (Israel) $40.00 More Details
  The Negev [IN HEBREW]
Merom, Peter 1963 Maariv Printing House $17.19 More Details
  Undique ad terram sanctam: Cartographic exhibition from the Eran Laor collection [IN ENGLISH AND HEBVREW].
1976 Jewish National and University Library $14.06 More Details
  Maps of the Holy Land: Images of Terra Sancta through Two Millennia
Nebenzahl, Kenneth 1986 Abbeville $35.00 More Details
  Maps of the Holy Land: Images of Terra Sancta through Two Millennia.
Nebenzahl, Kenneth 1986 Abbeville $45.00 More Details
Walk About Sion and Go Around About the Towers Thereof [2 VOLUMES IN ONE]
Ashbee, Charles Robert [Ed.] 1921; 1924 John Murray; The Council of the Pro-Jerusalem Society $450.00 More Details
  Sepher Yerushalayim (The Book of Jerusalem): Jerusalem, its Natural Conditions, History and Development from the Origins to the Present Day- in Two Volumes [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Avi Yonah, Michael [Ed.] 1956 The Bialik Institute and Dvir Publishing House $23.44 More Details
  The Maps of Acre: an Historical Cartography
B. Dichter Eng. / A. Grabois [preface] 1973 The Municipality of Acre, Israel $45.00 More Details
  Undique Ad Terram Sanctam - Cartographic Exhibition from the Eran Laor Collection
1976 Jewish National and University Library $14.06 More Details
  Palestine & Jordan, 1500-1900: Paintings, Lithographs, Photographs, Travel Books, Maps & Atlases from the Private Collection of Hisham Khatib [IN ENGLISH AND ARABIC].
2005 The Khalid Shoman Foundation $25.00 More Details
  Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Har Saggi Northeast (225)
Avni, Gideon 1991 Israel Antiquities Authority $20.31 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 66) 

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