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Haskalah - Jewish Enlightenment

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 205) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Jerusalem ou Pouvoir Religieux et Judaisme
Mendelssohn, Moses / Bourel, Diminique [TRANSLATION, ANNOTATION] / Levinas, Emmanuel [INTRODUCTION] 1982 Les Press D`aujourd`hui $95.00 More Details
  Manasseh of Ilya: Precursor of Modernity Among The Jews of Western Europe
Barzilay, Yitzhak 1999 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $25.00 More Details
  Shlomo Yehudah Rapoport [Shir] (1790-1867) and His Contemporaries; Some Aspects of Jewish Scholarship of The Nineteenth Century[Signed]
Bazilay, Isaac 1969 Massada $180.00 More Details
  Das Judentum Und Die Geistigen Stromungen Der Neuzeit[part ii]; Die Aufklarung
Dr. Lewkowitz 1929 Wilhelm Jacobsohn & Co $45.00 More Details
  Kultur-Geschichte Fun Der Hascole In Lite (Historia de la Cultura del Iluminismo en Lituania)
Dr. Shatzky, J. 1950 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $45.00 More Details
  Haskalah and Sabbatianism: The Story of a Controversy [IN HEBREW]
Werses, Shmuel 1988 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $26.56 More Details
  [Signed] Torah Concepts: The Source of Jewish Values [Book V]
Radinsky, Joseph R. 1993 Published by the author $20.00 More Details
  A Philosophy of Jewish Laws and Observances [this volume onely]
Hirsch, Samson Raphael / Grunfeld, Dayan [Trans., Intro. and Annotations] 1962 The Soncico Press $30.00 More Details
  Moses Mendelssohn: Sein Leben und Wirken
Kanserling, M. 1888 Hermann Mendelssohn $30.00 More Details
  Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums: Begrundet von Dr. Z. Frankel, Fortgesetzt von Professor Dr. H. Graetz - Achtunddreissigster Jahrgang - Neue Folge, Zweiter Jahrgang [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Brann. M. ; Kaufmann, D. [Ed.] 1894 Schlesische Buchdruckerei $35.00 More Details
  Hasidim and the Jewish Enlightment: Their Confrontation in Galicia and Poland in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Mahler, Raphael / Orenstein, Eugene; Klein, Aaron; Machlowitz Klein, Jenny [Trans.] 1985 The Jewish Publication Society of America $20.00 More Details
  Hasidism and Haskalah: In Galicia and the Congress Kingdom of Poland in the First Half of the Nineteeth Century [IN HEBREW]
Mahler, Raphael 1961 Sifriat Poalim $23.44 More Details
  The Haskalah Movement in Russia [IN HEBREW].
Slutsky, Yehuda 1977 The Historical Society of Israel / The Zalman Shazar Centre for the Furtherance of the Study of Jewish History $14.06 More Details
  Mekorot le-toldhot ha-Hinukh be-Yisrael: A Source-Book for the History of Jewish Education from the Beginning of the Middle Ages to the Period of the Haskalah - Volume 3: Appendix and Indices [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH PREFACE].
Assaf, Simcha / Glick, Shmuel [Ed.] 2002 The Jewish Theological Seminary of America $17.19 More Details
  Hasidism and the Jewish Enlightenment: Their Confrontation in Galicia and Poland in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.
Mahler, Raphael / Orenstein, Eugene ; Klein, Aaron ; Machlowitz Klein, Jenny [Trans.] 1985 The Jewish Publication Society of America $25.00 More Details
  Mendelssohn`s Edition of the Pentateuch [IN HEBREW]
Sandler, Perez 1940 Rubin Mass $29.69 More Details
  Geschichte des Eigenen Lebens (1754-1800)
Maimon, Salomon 1935 Schocken $15.00 More Details
  Judaism`s Encounter with Other Cultures: Rejection or Integration?
Schacter. Jacob J. [Ed.] 1997 Jason Aronson $30.00 More Details
Die Gottesdienstlichen Vorträge der Juden, Historisch Entwickelt. [FIRST EDITION]
Zunz, Leopold 1832 A. Asher $250.00 More Details
Mendelssohn, Moses \ Elbogen, Ismar 1985 Athenaum $15.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 205) 

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