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Russian & USSR Jewry

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 181) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Homage to Odessa [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Arbel, Rachel [CURATOR, EDITOR] / Shamir, Ami ; Schramm, Lenn [TRANSLATION] 2002 Beth Hatefutsoth $23.44 More Details
  The American Brother: The "Joint" in Russia, The USSR and The CIS [IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN]
Beizer, Michael ; Mistel, Mikhail / Yahilevich, Mikhail [CURATOR] / Cohen, Yisrael Elliot [TRANSLATION] 2004 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee $65.00 More Details
  An Ending Unlike its Beginning: Denouement of the Russian Bund [IN HEBREW]
Gelbard, Arye 1995 The Diaspora Research Institute $23.44 More Details
  Elie Wiesel: Works: The Jews of Silence: A Personal Report on Soviet Jewry [THIS PART ONLY] [SIGNED]
Wiesel, Elie / Kozodoy, Neal [TRANSLATION] 1973 The Bibliophile Library $95.00 More Details
  History of the Holocaust: Soviet Union and Annexed Territories [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
Arad, Yitzhak 2004 Yad Vashem $50.00 More Details
  Israelis in Their Own Way: Migration Stories of Young Adults From Former U.S.S.R [IN HEBREW]
Lomsky-Feder, Enda ; Rapoport, Tamar 2012 The Hebrew University, Magnes Press $17.19 More Details
  Das Ostjudische Antlitz
Struck, Hermann 1922 Welt-Verlag $35.00 More Details
  The Hebrew Novel: In Czarist Russia
Patterson, David 1964 Edinburgh University Press $35.00 More Details
  Ensayos Historico-culturales judios
Kazdan, ch. s. 1956 Fondo Mendelson de la sociedad pro cultura y ayuda $30.00 More Details
  The Soviet Government and The Jews. A Documented Study
Pinkus, Benjamin 1984 Cambridge University Press $40.00 More Details
  Russian Publications on Jews and Judaism in the Soviet Union: 1917-1967 [IN HEBREW, RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH]
Altshuler, Mordechai [EDIT] 1970 Society for Research on Jewish Communities / The Historical Society of Israel $23.44 More Details
  Siberia: A Poem
Sutzkever, Abraham / Sonntag, Jacob [Tr.] / Chagall, Marc [Drawings] 1961 Abelard-Schuman $35.00 More Details
Stalin`s Forgotten Zion: Birobidzhan and the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland - an Illustrated History, 1928-1996
Weinberg, Robert \ Gitelman, Zvi [Intro.] \ Berman, Bradley [Photo.] 1998 University of California Press $25.00 More Details
  Profile of an Immigration Wave: The Absorption Process of Immigrants From The Former Soviet Union, 1990-1995 [IN HEBREW]
Sicron, Moshe ; Leshem, Elazar [EDIT] 1998 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
  The Jews of the Soviet Union in Transition 2(17) [VOL. II ONLY] [IN HEBREW AND RUSSIAN]
Prital (Prinzental), David [EDITOR] 1995 Publication on Soviet Jewry $20.31 More Details
Mermelstein (Weidenfeld), Max ; Brettler, Chaim ; Lachman, Gedalia ; Fiderer, Munio ; Plit, Max ; Ressler, B. ; Schwartzbach, A. [Ed.] 1978 Skala Benevolent Society - Memorial Book Comittee $43.75 More Details
  Russian Jews On Three Continents: Migration and Resettlement
Lewin-Epstein, Noah ; Ro`i, Yaacov ; Ritterband, Paul [EDIT] 1997 Frank Cass $120.00 More Details
  Immigration and Absorption of Former-Soviet Union Jewry: Selected Bibliography and Abstract 1994-1996 [IN HEBREW]
Dr. Leshem, Elazar [SCIENTIFIC EDITOR] / Sor, Dina [EDITOR] 1997 The Henrietta Sold Institute $29.69 More Details
  On The Ruins Of Jewish Culture In The Soviet Union [IN HEBREW]
Gilboa, Yehoshua 1959 I. L. Peretz $20.31 More Details
Laskov, Shulamit 1979 Hassifriya Haziyonit $14.06 More Details

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