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Ecology & Environmental Science

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 35) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Costal Plants of Israel
Waisel, Y. ; Litav; M. ; Agami, M. 1974 Tel-Aviv University $15.00 More Details
  Alle Jahre Wieder Saust Der Presslufthammer Nieder Oder Die Veränderung Der Landschaft / Hier Fällt Ein Haus,Dort Steht Ein Kran Und Ewig Droht Der Baggerzahn Oder Die Veranderung Der Stradt
Müller, Jörg ; Ledergerber, Heinz 1973 / 1976 Verlag Sauerländer $95.00 More Details
  The Pearl and the Flame: A Journey Into Jewish Wisdom and Ecological Thinking
Margalit, Natan 2022 Albion Andalus $30.00 More Details
  The Climate of Jaffa - Telaviv - Sarona [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Rosenstein, A. B. 1922 Township of Telaviv $95.00 More Details
  The Selected Works of Arne Naess [TEN VOLUME SET]
Naess, Arne 2005 Springer $240.00 More Details
  Settling the Desert
Berkofsky, L. ; Faiman, D. ; Gale, J. [Ed.] 1981 Gordon and Breach \ Ben-Gurion University of the Negev $25.00 More Details
  Nature and Man in the Bible: Chapters in Biblical Ecology
Feliks, Yehuda 1981 The Soncino Press $100.00 More Details
  Judaism, Environmentalism and the Environment: Mapping and Analysis
Gerstenfeld, Manfred 1998 The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies / Rubin Mass $30.00 More Details
  Human Ecology in the Ancient World (Eretz-Yisrael, Greece and Rome) [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Kotlar, David 1976 M. Newman $17.19 More Details
  Haredi Community and Environmental Quality [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARIES].
Shilhav, Yosseph ; Kaplan, Moti 2003 The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies $14.06 More Details
  Of Mice and Men: Animals in Human Culture
Batra, Nandita ; Messier, Vartan [Eds.] 2011 Cambridge Scholars $45.00 More Details
  The Planetary Boundary-Layer of the Atmosphere (PBL) [SIGNED WITH DEDICATION BY AUTHOR].
Wippermann, F. [Friedrich] 1973 Deutscher Wetterdienst $30.00 More Details
Coral Health and Disease.
Rosenberg, Eugene & Loya, Yossi [Eds.] 2004 Springer $175.00 More Details
  Desert Development: Man and Technology in Sparselands [SIGNED BY EDITOR].
Gradus, Yehuda [Ed.] 1985 D. Reidel $25.00 More Details
  Physics and Modelling of Wind Erosion.
Shao, Yaping 2000 Kluwer Academic $45.00 More Details
  Desert Development, Part 1: Desert Agriculture, Ecology and Biology - Proceedings of the Second International Desert Development Conference Held on 25-31 January 1987 in Cairo, Egypt.
Bishay, Adli ; Dregne, Harold [Ed.] 1991 Harwood Academic $35.00 More Details
  A Dictionary of the Natural Environment [ENGLISH AND ARABIC]
Al-Khatib, A. Sh. 1979 Librairie du Liban $20.00 More Details
  A Dictionary of Ecology: English-Arabic (With Arabic-English Glossary)
Wardam, Batir ; Al-Esheiker, Yousif 1998 Dar Al Shorouk $30.00 More Details
  Man`s Responsibility for Nature: Ecological Problems and Western Traditions
Passmore, John 1980 Duckworth $20.00 More Details
  Desert Environment and Agriculture in the Central Negev and Kadesh-Barnea During Historical Times
Bruins, Hendrik J. 1986 Midbar $25.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 35) 

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