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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 967) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Multi Dictionary: Bilingual Learners Dictionary: Hebrew-Hebrew-English: English-Hebrew
Weinbach, Liora ; Lauden, Edna ; Shani, Miriam 2003 AD $20.31 More Details
    The Word: The Dictionary that Reveals The Hebrew Source of English
Mozeson, Isaac E. 1989 Shapolsky Publishers $45.00 More Details
    Le Systeme Verbal Semitique et L`expression du Temps
Cohen, Marcel 1824 Ernest Leroux $65.00 More Details
    Nuovo Dizionario: Italiano-Francese, Composto Su I Dizionarj Dell`Accademia Francese, e Della Crisca ed Arricchito di Tutti I Termini Proprj Delle Scienze, e Delle Arti. Opera Utile, Anzi Necessaria a Tutti Coloro Che Vogliono Tradurre, O Leggere con Profitto, I Libri Scritti Nell`una, e Nell`altra Lingua. [VOL. 2 ONLY]
De Alberti di Villanuova, Francesco 1796 I Fratelli Mossy $180.00 More Details
    Nouveau Dictionnaire Francois-Italien, Compose Sur Les Dictionnaires Des Academies de France et de La Crusca: Enrichi: de Tout Les Termes Propres des Sciences et des Arts: Tres-utile et Meme Indispensible a Tous Ceux Qui Veulent Lire, Ou Traduire Les Ouvrages de L`une et de L`autre Langue.
D`Alberti de Villeneuve, Francois 1796 Mossy Freres $180.00 More Details
    Arabic Elements in Palestinian Yiddish: The Old Ashkenazic Jewish Community in Palestine, It`s History and It`s Language
Kosover, Mordecai 1966 Rubin Mass $95.00 More Details
    Semitic Writing from Pictograph to Alphabet
Driver; G. R. 1976 Oxford University Press $35.00 More Details
    Sagiv Dictionary: Arabic-Hebrew, Hebrew-Arabic [IN HEBREW AND ARABIC]
Sagiv, David 2008 Schocken $100.00 More Details
    Pacific Languages: An Introduction
Lynch, John 1998 University of Hawai`i Press $40.00 More Details
    Linguistic Studies: Collected Papers in Hebrew and Semitic Languages [in HEBREW]
Rabin, Haim 1999 The Academy of the Hebrew Language / The Bialik Institute $29.69 More Details
  The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek Texts
Palmer, L. R. 1963 Clarendon Press $30.00 More Details
  On Pseudo-Corrections in Some Semitic Languages
Blau, Joshua 1970 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $30.00 More Details
  A Dictionary of the Mixed Dialects and Foreign Words Used In Telugu
Brown, Charles Philip 1854 Christian Knowledge Society`s Press $25.00 More Details
  College Yiddish: An Introduction to the Yiddish Language and to Jewish Life and Culture [IN YIDDISH]
Weinreich, Uriel / Jakobson, Roman [Preface] / Bahat, S. [Tr.] / Goldwasser, M. [Ed.] 1977 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $43.75 More Details
  The Aramaic Dialect of the Jews of Zekho [IN HEBREW]
Avinery, Iddo 1988 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $75.00 More Details
  Speak Hebrew!: The Life of Eliezer Ben Yehuda [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
Lang, Yoseph 2008 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $43.75 More Details
  Lexicon in Veteris Test Testamenti Libros
Koehler, Ludwig / Baumgartner, Walter 1953 E.J.BRILL $55.00 More Details
  Gesenius` Hebrew Grammar; as Edited and Enlarged by The Late E. Kautzsch
Cowley, A. E. 1910 The Clarendon Press / Oxford University Press $30.00 More Details
  Vocabulaire: Arabe -Francais A L`usage Des Etudiants
1883 Imprimerie Catholique $45.00 More Details
de Lagarde, Paul 1877 Dieterichsche Verlagsbuchhandlung $95.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 967) 

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