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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 182) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Bank: The Story of the Jewish Colonial Trust (JCT): [Otzar Hityashvut Hayehudim] [IN HEBREW]
Nakdimon, Shlomo / Dr. Carmel, Amos [EDIT] 2003 Milo $29.69 More Details
  Historia Economica do Brasil
Prado Junior, Caio 1953 Editora Brasiliense LTDA. $95.00 More Details
  Economy at War: Studies on the Civilian Society During the Israeli War of Independence [IN HEBREW]
Bar-On, Mordechai ; Greenberg, Itzhak ; Chazan, Meir [Ed] 2017 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $37.50 More Details
  Housing In Israel: Economic & Sociological Aspects
Drabkin - Darin, H. 1957 Gadish Books $30.00 More Details
  Studies in Rural Development: Essays in Memory of Dov Weintraub.
Kahane, Reuven [Edit] 1993 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $20.00 More Details
  [Spanish] El Libro Negro De Las Marcas: El Lado Oscuro De Las Empresas Globales
Werner, Klaus 2003 Editorial Sudamericana $20.00 More Details
  Facts, Failures, and Frauds: Rebelations, Fainancial, Mercantile, Criminal
Evans, D. Morier Groombridge & Sons $75.00 More Details
  Jews in the Hungarian Economy 1760-1945: Studies Dedicated to Moshe Carmilly-Weinberger on his Eightieth Birthday
Silber, Michael K. 1992 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
  Oil: Israel`s Covert Efforts to Secure Oil Supplies [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR]
Alexander, Zvi 2004 Gefen $20.00 More Details
  Industrialization in the Middle East
Grunwald, Kurt; Ronall, Joachim O. 1960 Council for Middle Eastern Affairs $20.00 More Details
  Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Von Neumann, John ; Morgenstern, Oskar 1953 Princeton University Press $180.00 More Details
  The Israel Economist: Vol. V (1949) - Vol. VII (1951).
1949-1951 The Israel Economist $95.00 More Details
  Untersuchungen zu Einkommensverhaltnissen und Lebenshaltungskosten in Oberdeutschen Stadten des Spatmittelalters (Mitte 14. bis Anfang 16 Jahrhundert)
Dirlmeier, Ulf 1978 Carl Winter Universitatverlag $45.00 More Details
  Shopping Centers: Design and Operation
Baker, Geoffrey ; Funaro, Bruno 1956 Reinhold $30.00 More Details
  The Political Economy of Education: Implications for Growth and Inequality
Gradstein Mark; Justman, Moshe; Meier, Volker 2005 MIT Press $30.00 More Details
  Treuhander des Reichs: Die Schweiz und die Vermogen der Naziopfer: Eine Spurensuche
Balzli, Beat 1997 Werd $30.00 More Details
  Hataassiya: Israel Industry - Monthly Review of Industry and Economics, Official Organ of the Manufacturers` Association of Israel [19 BOOKLET SET][IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY]
Shenkar, Arjeh [Ed.] 1952-1957 Hataassiya: Israel Industry - Monthly Review of Industry and Economics, Official Organ of the Manufacturers` Association of Israel $87.50 More Details
  Aussichten Der Industrie in Palastina
Wilbuschewitsch, N. 1920 Judischer Verlag $20.00 More Details
  Iraqi Jews in Israel: Social and Economic Integration [IN HEBREW]
Bensky, Tova ; Don, Yehuda ; Krausz, Ernest ; Lecker-Darvish, Tikva 1991 Bar-Ilan University / Institute for Research on Iraqi Jewry $20.31 More Details
  Solelboneh: Jewish Workers Cooperative Association for Public Works Building and Manufacture Ltd.: Works 1921-1924 [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND YIDDISH]
$109.38 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 182) 

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