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Contemporary Judaism

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 116) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Re-Biographing and Deviance: Psychotherapeutic Narrativism and the Midrash
Rotenberg, Mordechai 1987 Praeger $75.00 More Details
    The Era of Peace: Thoughts and Meditations [IN HEBREW]
Zaoui, Andre C. 1980 Foundation Nathan Bloch $23.44 More Details
    Roeh Haorot: The Prophet of Light: The Song of Mankind, The Song of Repentance In The Writings of Rabbi A. I. Kook [IN HEBREW]
Prof. Lifshitz, Haim 1978 Hareiya Institute For Research in the Teachings of R. Abraham Isaac Kook / The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law $37.50 More Details
  For Everything a Time: A Journey Through The Year
Eisenman, Ron Yitzchok 2013 Mosaic Press $120.00 More Details
  Jewish Natural Nutrition...With Kabbalistic Insights
Levinson, Yaakov 2011 Helm Publishing $30.00 More Details
  Rejoice O Youth!: An Integrated Jewish Ideology
Miller, Avigdor 1961 $35.00 More Details
Neher, Andre 1975 Libraire Adrien Maisonneuve $60.00 More Details
  The Orthodox Liturgy and Daily Prayers in a Hebrew Translation [IN HEBREW]
Barclay, Jacob 2006 The Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Israel $60.00 More Details
  Miraculous Journey: A Complete History of the Jewish People From Creation to the Present
Eisen, Yosef 2004 Targum Press $120.00 More Details
  World Jewry and The State of Israel[sign]
Davis, Moshe [EDIT] 1977 Arno Press / Herzl Press $30.00 More Details
  Grand Rabbin Joseph Sitruk: Chemin Faisant...: Entretiens Avec Claude Askolovitch et Bertrand Dicale
Askolovitch, Claude ; Dicale, Bertrand 1999 Flammarion $30.00 More Details
  Jewish Thought and Jewish Belief
Lasker, Daniel. j. 2012 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev $23.44 More Details
Sperber, Daniel 2010 Urim Publications $25.00 More Details
  In My Opinion: Challenging Commentaries on Jewish Thought and Tradition [SIGNED]
Rabbi Chinitz, Jacob 2000 Peninim $30.00 More Details
  After Emancipation: Jewish Religious Responses to Modernity
Ellenson, David 2004 Hebrew Union College Press $75.00 More Details
  Le Dur Bonheur d`Être Juif: Victor Malka Interroge André Neher
Malka, Victor 1978 Le Centurion $35.00 More Details
  Martin Buber
Dreyfus, Théodore 1981 Les Editions Du Cerf $20.00 More Details
  Neunzehn Briefe über Judentum: als Voranfrage wegen Herausgabe von "Versuchen"desselben Verfassers über "Israel und seine Pflichten"
Hirsch, Samson Raphael 1919 Welt-Verlag $20.00 More Details
On Being Free
Steinsaltz, Adin \ Kurzweil, Arthur [Selected, Foreword] 1995 Jason Aronson $20.00 More Details
  Kultur-Geschichte Fun Der Hascole In Lite (Historia de la Cultura del Iluminismo en Lituania)
Dr. Shatzky, J. 1950 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $45.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 116) 

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