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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 1169) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Biblical Hebrew the Practical Way: Vol. 1 [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Halabe, Rahel 2011 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    Biblical Hebrew the Practical Way: Vol. 2 [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Halabe, Rahel 2011 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    Torah and Reason: Insiders and Outsiders of Torah [SIGNED]
Dr. Zimmerman, Chaim 1979 Hed Press $65.00 More Details
    Torah and Philosophy: Towards a Philosophy of the Torah [IN HEBREW]
Falk, Zeev W. 2001 The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies $17.19 More Details
    Job in the Bible, Philosphy and Art: A Symposium of the Department of Bible, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 14, 1993 [IN HEBREW]
Mazor, Lea [Ed.] 1996 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
    Akedass Jizhak: Ein Altjiddisches Gedicht Uber Die Opferung Isaaks
Dreessen, Wulf-Otto [NOTES, EDIT] 1971 Leibniz $65.00 More Details
    The Prophetical Stories: The Narratives About The Prophets in The Hebrew Bible Their Literary Types and History [IN HEBREW]
Rofe, Alexander 1986 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $26.56 More Details
    Deuteronomium 1-6: Literarkritisch und Traditionsgeschichtlich Untersucht
Mittmann, Siegfried 1975 Walter de Gruyter $20.00 More Details
    The Literary and Oral Tradition of Hebrew and Aramaic Amongst The Samaritans: Vol. IV: The Words of the Pentateuch [IN HEBREW AND ARAMAIC] [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Ben-Hayyim, Z. 1977 The Academy of the Hebrew Language $37.50 More Details
    The Literary and Oral Tradition of Hebrew and Aramaic Amongst The Samaritans: Vol. IV: The Words of the Pentateuch [IN HEBREW AND ARAMAIC] [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Ben-Hayyim, Z 1977 The Academy of the Hebrew Language $37.50 More Details
  The Documentary Hypothesis: and The Composition of the Pentateuch
Cassuto, Umberto / Abrahams, Israel [TRANSLATION] / Berman, Joshua A. [INTRODUCTION] 2006 Shalem Press $25.00 More Details
  Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae: Hebraicae Atque Chaldaicae [IN HEBREW] [TWO VOLUMES SET]
Mandelkern, Solomon 1959 Schocken $56.25 More Details
  The Bible in the Light of the Aramaic Translations [IN HEBREW]
Komlosh, Yehuda 1973 Bar-Ilan University / Dvir $37.50 More Details
  A New Concordance of the Bible: Thesaurus of Language of The Bible: Hebrew and Aramaic Roots, Words, Proper Names, Phrases and Synonyms [IN HEBREW]
Even-Shoshan, Abraham [EDIT] 1981 Kiryat Sepher $75.00 More Details
  Rising Moon: Unraveling the Book of Ruth
Miller, Moshe 2015 Renana Publishers $30.00 More Details
  The Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134): Their Place in Israelite History and Religion
Crow, Loren D. 1996 Scholars Press $25.00 More Details
  The Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants [SIGNED]
Llewellyn Thomas, J. 1934 The Covenant Publishing $30.00 More Details
  Rabbi Joseph Quara`s Exegetic Method According to his commentary to Neveim Aharonim [IN HEBREW][SIGNED]
Eliakim, Nissim 1989 Netivot $29.69 More Details
  Marbeh Hokmah: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East: In Loving Memory of Victor Avigdor Hurowitz [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Yona, S. ; Greenstein, E. L. ; Gruber, M. I. ; Machinist, P. ; Paul, S. M. [EDIT] 2015 Eisenbrauns $100.00 More Details
  Ohel Hayim: A Catalogue of Hebrew Manuscripts of the Manfred Lehmann Family: Volume Two: Biblical Manuscripts [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Yeivin, Israel 1990 Manfred and Anne Lehmann Foundation $65.00 More Details

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