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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 1162) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Deuteronomy: Volume Two: XVI:18 - XXXIV:12 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Tigay, Jeffrey H. [INTRODUCTION, COMMENTARY] 2016 Am Oved / The Hebrew University Magnes Press $26.56 More Details
    Studies in Biblical Narrtive: Style, Structure, and Ancient Near Eastern Literary Background [SIGNED]
Avishur, Yitzhak 1999 Archaeological Center Publication $35.00 More Details
    Der Pentateuch [FIVE VOLUMES SET. Vol. 1: Die Genesis. Vol. 2: Exodus. Vol. 3: Leviticus. Vol. 4: Numeri. Vol. 5: Deutronomium.] [IN HEBREW AND GERMAN]
Hirsch, Samson Raphael 1899 J. Kaufmann $180.00 More Details
    The Evolution of the Exodus Tradition
Loewenstamm, Samuel E. / Schwartz, Baruch J. [TRANSLATION] 1992 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $180.00 More Details
    Le Glossaire de Leipzig: Introduction [VOL. 2 ONLY]
Banitt, Menahem [EDIT, ANNOTATION] 2005 Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel $35.00 More Details
    Le Glossaire de Leipzig: Introduction [VOL. 2 ONLY]
Banitt, Menahem [EDIT, ANNOTATION] 2005 Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel $45.00 More Details
    Textus: Annual of the Hebrew University Bible Project: Volume III [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Rabin, C. [EDIT] 1963 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    Textus: Annual of the Hebrew University Bible Project: Volume I [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Rabin, C. [EDIT] 1960 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    From Joshua to Josiah: Turning Points in the History of Israel from the Conquest of the Land Until the Fall of Judah [IN HEBREW]
Weinfeld, Moshe 1992 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $37.50 More Details
    Die Hebraische Elias-Apokalypse und Ihre Stellung in der Apokalyprischen Litteratur des Rabbinischen Schrifttums und der Kirche: I. Halfte
Buttenwieser, Moses [ANNOTATION, TRANSLATION] 1897 Eduard Pfeiffer $45.00 More Details
    I Samuel: Introduction and Commentary [IN HEBREW]
Bar-Efrat, Shimon [INTRODUCTION, COMMENTARY] 1996 Am Oved / The Magnes Press $37.50 More Details
    Likkutei Tarbiz: A Biblical Studies Reader [IN HEBREW]
Weinfeld, Moshe [edit.] 1979 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
    Joshua: Introduction and Commentary [IN HEBREW]
Ahituv, Shmuel [INTRODUCTION, COMMENTARY] 1996 Am Oved / The Magnes Press $37.50 More Details
  Issues in the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls [IN HEBREW]
Brin, Gershon 1994 Tel-Aviv University / HaKibbutz HaMeuchad $15.00 More Details
  There Was a Man in the Land of Uz: William Blake`s Illustrations to the Book of Job [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH}
Perry-Lehmann, Meira [Edit] 1992 The Israel Museum $43.75 More Details
  Textus: Annual of The Hebrew University Bible Project: Volume VII [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Talmon, S. [EDIT] 1969 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
  The Targum to Job From Qumran Cave IX [SIGNED]
Sokoloff, Michael 1974 Bar-Ilan University $95.00 More Details
  Mikra ki-Pheschuto (Die Schrift nach Ihrem Wortlaut): Scholien und Kritische Bemerkungen zu den Heiligen Schriften der Hebraer: Dritter Theil: Die Propheten [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Ehrlich, Arnold B. 1901 M. Poppelauer`s Buchhandlung $45.00 More Details
  Volume Du Congres: Strasbourg 1956 [IN ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN]
1957 E.J.BRILL $30.00 More Details
  Deux Commentaires Karaites Sur L`ecclesiaste
Vadja, Georges 1971 E. J. Brill $55.00 More Details

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