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Mishnah, Midrash, Aggadah & Talmud

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 748) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Proceeding of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Volume Five (1971 - 1976) [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
1976 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $35.00 More Details
    Re-Biographing and Deviance: Psychotherapeutic Narrativism and the Midrash
Rotenberg, Mordechai 1987 Praeger $75.00 More Details
  Sefer Ha-Simanim Ha-Schalem: A Complete Collection and Explanation of All The Mnemonics, The So-Called "Simanim", Occurring in the Talmud, Old Manuscripts and Commentaries, and in Later Literature [IN HEBREW]
Kohn, P. Jacob 1952 Hamadpis $56.25 More Details
  The Sevoraic Period and Its Literature: In Babylonia and in Eretz Israel (500-689) [IN HEBREW]
Ephrathi, Jacob E. 1973 Agudath Bnai Asher $29.69 More Details
  Life & Teachings of Isaiah Horowitz
Rabbi Dr. Newman, Eugene 1972 $30.00 More Details
  Homilies in the Neo-Aramaic of the Kurdistani Jews on the Parashot Wayhi, Beshallah and Yitro [IN HEBREW]
Sabar, Yona [EDIT, TRANSLATION, INTODUCTION] 1984 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $100.00 More Details
  The Talmudic Kama Sutra: Conjugal Duties and Pillow Talk
Sachs-Zion, Noam 2018 Zion Holiday Publications $25.00 More Details
  Parables in Midrash Narative and Exegesis in Rabbinic Literature
Stern, David 1991 Harvard University Press $45.00 More Details
  Halachische Schriften der Geonim [VOL. 1+2 BOUND AS ONE. Vol. 1: Halachoth Kezuwoth des Rabbi Jehudai Gaon; Parschijoth- und Haftarpthordung fur Festtage; Gutachten der Geonim; Sammluug verschiedener Abhandlungen; Zehn Fragen des Rabbi Saadia Gaon; Die Thalmudlehrer als Weltweisen. Vol. 2: Gutachten des Rabbi Netronai Gaon; Hilchoth Nidda; Gutachten der Geonim; Gutachten des Rabbi Haj Gaon.] [IN HEBREW]
Horowitz, Chaim M. 1881 Selbstverlag des Herausgebers $56.25 More Details
  Chaldaisches Worterbuch uber die Targumim (Und Einen Grossen Theil Des Rabbinischen Schriftthums)
Rabb Dr. Levy, J. 1867 Baumgartner`s Buchhandlung $65.00 More Details
  Scholien Zam Banylonischen Talmud
Wiesner, I 1859 S. Freund lange Gasse $45.00 More Details
  Decisions Rituelles de Rabenou Ye`hiel de Paris et Des Rabbins de France
Rabbin Pines, Eliyahou Dov 1979 Ma`hon Yerouchalayim $37.50 More Details
  Omer Hachikhah(La Gerbe De L`oubli)[signed]
Gabichon, Abraham / Sirat, Rene-Samuel[reedition] 1973 Kedem $118.75 More Details
  Pseudo-Jonathan(Thargum Jonathan Ben Usiel Zum Pentateuch)
Dr. Ginsburger, M. 1903 S. Calvary & Co $35.00 More Details
  Sifra on Leviticus: According to Vatican Manuscript Assemani 66 With VAriants From the Other MAnuscripts, Genizah Fragments, Early editions and Quotations by Medieval Authorities and with references to Parallel Passages and Commentaries[volume II]; Text of Sifra According to Vatican Manuscript Assemani 66
Finkelstein, Louis 1983 The Jewish Theological Seminary of America $29.69 More Details
  Die Judische Litteratur Seit Abschluss des Kanons
Dr. Winter, J. ; Prof. Wunsche [EDIT] 1897 M. Poppelauer $35.00 More Details
  Jewish Commercial Law [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW]
Dr. Warhaftig, Shilem 1990 The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law $75.00 More Details
  Clavis Talmudis: Sive: Encyclopaedia Rerum, Quae In Mischna, Utroque Talmude, Tosifta, Meschilta, Sifra, Sifre Talmudicisque Libris Occurrunt, Alphabetico Ordine Disposita [THIRD VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Prof. Guttmann, Michael 1921 Th. Schatzky $75.00 More Details
  An Introduction to Talmudic Literature
Melamed, E. Z. 1973 Yeshivat Sha`arey Rachamim / Bar Ilan University / Tel Aviv University $56.25 More Details
  TAM HA-KESSEF: Acht Abhandlungen von R. Joseph Ibn Kaspi
Last., Isaac 1913 I. Narodiczky $56.25 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 748) 

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