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Photos & Paintings Albums of Israel

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Showing books 201 to 218 (of 218) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Visages d`Israel - I. Le Sourire des Enfants de Sion [LIMITED EDITION SIGNED BY ARTIST - # 4 OF 20]
Duguet, Madeleine / Vardi, Meir [Intr.] 1958 Les Editions Elath $110.00 More Details
  Across the Bridge of Time.
Gera, Gershon 1969 Massada $17.19 More Details
  Arad - The Story of a Town - 1962-1970.
"Hilah" Studio 1970 $37.50 More Details
  Home Port: The Story of Haifa Port .
Malkin, Irad; Ster, Shimon; Matzkel, Yehudit 2002 Haifa Museum, Haifa City Museum $25.00 More Details
My Country: The Story of Modern Israel. [IN HEBREW]
Eban, Abba 1972 Weidenfeld and Nicolson / Davar $20.31 More Details
  Israel: Disegni di Candido Portinari.
Portinari, Candido \ Luraghi, Eugenio \ Aroch, Arie [Preface] 1957 Harry N. Abrams / Guanabara Koogan $20.00 More Details
  Lebanon & the North.
Wilson, Charles W. Ariel $25.00 More Details
Merom, Peter / Azaria, Alon $14.06 More Details
  This is the Land: Israel Landscapes
Merom, Peter 1965 Davar $17.19 More Details
  Between Edom and Ophir, The Red Sea
Merom, Peter 1972 Hakibbutz Hameuchad $14.06 More Details
  Israel Landscapes and People
Rohr, Joel / Werner, Alfred [Intro.] 1964 ND $14.06 More Details
  Album of Pictures for a Journey with Children in the Holy Land: Containing Forty-eight views of the Holy Places and their surroundings. Steel-engravings made after paintings by English and French artists and printed in Paris
1978 Carta $17.19 More Details
  Werner Braun - Photographer: 50 Jahre in Israel
Braun, Werner 1998 Stadt Nürenberg / Amt für Internationale Beziehungen $20.00 More Details
Across the Bridge of Time
Gera, Gershon 1969 Massada $14.06 More Details
Israel`s First Twenty Years
Löwy, B. Z. 1968 Bronfman $45.00 More Details
Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land, in May and June, 1840.
Egerton, Francis [Lady & Lord] 1841 Printed by Harrison and Co. $85.00 More Details
  Simon Zabar [Shimon zabar] - Ten Landscape Drawings.
Zabar, Simon [Tzabar, Shimon] / Janco, Marcel [Intr.] 1955 Gadish $85.31 More Details
  Israel: Its Legends and Its History.
Goldmann, Eva ; Goldmann, Zeev ; Wimmer, Hed 1975 Lonnie Kahn & Co. $25.00 More Details

Showing books 201 to 218 (of 218) 

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