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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 173) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Saints of the Atlas
Gellner, Ernest 1969 The University of Chicago Press $20.00 More Details
  Sarajevo: A Bosnian Kaleidoscope
Markowitz, Fran 2010 University of Illinois Press $18.00 More Details
  Okkulte Begebnisse im Schamanistischen Raum.
Findeisen, Hans 1956 Veroffentlichungen des Institutes $20.00 More Details
  Die "Schamanenkrankheit" als Initiation: Eine Volker- und Sozialpsychologische Untersuchung.
Findeisen, Hans 1957 Veroffentlichungen des Institutes $20.00 More Details
  O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca: 2a Edicao Revista e Ampliada
Caiuby Labate, Beatriz ; Sena Araujo, Wladimyr 2004 Mercado De Letras / Fapest $75.00 More Details
  O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca
Caiuby Labate, Beatriz ; Sena Araujo, Wladimyr 2002 Mercado De Letras / Fapest $45.00 More Details
  O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca
Caiuby Labate, Beatriz ; Sena Araujo, Wladimyr 2002 Mercado De Letras / Fapest $65.00 More Details
  O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca
Caiuby Labate, Beatriz ; Sena Araujo, Wladimyr 2002 Mercado De Letras / Fapest $55.00 More Details
  El Bebedor de Yaje / Ecorasa: Autobiografia de un Secoya
Payaguaje, Fernando; Piaguaje, Celestino 1994 Vicariato Apostolico de Aguarico / Ediciones CICAME $25.00 More Details
  O Uso Ritual Das Plantas de Poder
Caibuy Labate, Beatriz; Goulart, Sandra Lucia [Ed.] 2005 FAPESP / Mercado De Letras $40.00 More Details
  Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century: Daily Life, Customs and Learning - The Moslims of the East-Indian-Archipelago (With 20 Plates and 2 Maps)
Hurgronje, C. Snouck / Monahan, J. H. [Trans.] 1970 E. J. Brill $95.00 More Details
  Interkulturelle Kommunikation: Deutschland - Skandinavien - Grossbritannien
Apeltauer, Ernst [Ed.] 2002 Gunter Narr $30.00 More Details
  Changing Nomads in a Changing World.
Ginat, Joseph ; Khazanov, Anatoly M. [Eds.] 1998 Sussex Academic Press $20.00 More Details
  Histoire de l`Antiquite [THREE VOLUME SET]
Meyer, Eduard 1912 Librairie Paul Geuthner $70.00 More Details
  The Care on the Elderly in the Ancient Near East.
Stol, Marten ; Vleeming, Sven 1998 Brill $30.00 More Details
  Reading Leviticus: A Conversation with Mary Douglas.
Sawyer, John F. A. [Ed.] 1996 Sheffield Academic Press $40.00 More Details
  Die Medizin der Talmudisten - Nebst einem anhange: Die Anthropologie der alten Hebraer
Bergel, Joseph 1885 Verlag von Wilhelm Friedrich $150.00 More Details
  Mitologia dos orixas
Prandi, Reginaldo / Rafael, Pedro [Illustrations] 2018 Companhia Das Letras $30.00 More Details
  A Queda do Ceu: Palavras de um Xama Yanomami
Kopenawa, Davi; Albert, Bruce / Perrone-Moises, Beatriz [Trans] / Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo [Preface] 2016 Companhia Das Letras $30.00 More Details
  La Scienza Nuova Seconda: Giusta L`edizione del 1744 con le Varianti Dell`edizione del 1730 e di due Redazioni Intermedie Inedite [TWO VOLUME SET].
Vico, Giambattista 1953 Gius. Laterza & Figli $45.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 173) 

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