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Hebrew Literature

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 181 to 192 (of 192) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Ve`im Bigvuroth Fourscore Years: A Tribute to Rubin and Hannah Mass on their Eightieth Birthday. [IN HEBREW]
Eben Shushan, A. / Elhanani, A.Sh. / Beir, A. (Ed 1974 Yedidim $20.31 More Details
The Bridal Veil [HEBREW]
Shamir, Moshe 1984 Am Oved $37.50 More Details
  Scrolls of Testimony [IN HEBREW]
Kovner, Abba 1993 Bialik Institute $29.69 More Details
Chulyot: No. 7, Autumn 2002 [IN HEBREW]
Luria, Shalom; Bar-Ytzhak, Haya [Eds.] 2002 University of Haifa \ Tel-Aviv University \ Bar-Ilan University $14.06 More Details
Ten Israeli Poets
Jaffe, Mordecai 1958 I. L. Peretz $40.00 More Details
Brandstatter, Yehoshua 1982 $75.00 More Details
Libraries and Books in Late Ottoman Palestine [IN HEBREW]
Schidorsky, Dov 1990 The Magnes Press $20.31 More Details
Meassef - Essays on Chaim Nachman Bialik [IN HEBREW]
Barzel, Hillel [ed.] 1975 Massada $30.00 More Details
  A Bibliography of Saul Tchernichovsky: Works and Critical studuies [IN HEBREW].
Golan, Ziva. Yonay, Haviva [eds]. 1981 Center for Public Libraries / Tel Aviv University $20.31 More Details
Bashevis Singer, Isaac 1978 Farrar, Straus and Giroux $18.00 More Details
  From A to Z and Word War I & Word War II: Original Silkscreens Prints [SIGNED BY THE ARTIST] [NUMBERED COPY 62/150]
Rass, Rebecca / Bauman, Tuly [Prints] 1984 Proza $30.00 More Details
  Hebräische Chrestomathie der biblischen und neueren Literatur [Tif`eret Yisrael].
Martinet, Adam [Ed.] 1837 Verlag der Lachmüller`schen Kunst- und Buchhandlung $30.00 More Details

Showing books 181 to 192 (of 192) 

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