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Hebrew Literature

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 192) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  A Tale of Love and Darkness
Oz, Amos / de Lange, Nicholas [Trans.] 2004 Hartcourt $20.31 More Details
  Yosef Haim Brenner: A Life
Shapira, Anita / Berris, Anthony [Trans.] 2015 Stanford University Press $65.00 More Details
  Exhibition in Honour of S. J. Agnon: Recipient of Nobel Prize for Literature 1966 - Catalogue [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Beit-Arie, Malachi [Ed.] / Frankel, Mira [Trans.] 1967 Jewish National and University Library $20.31 More Details
  Tales Of Safad, Tales Of Jerusalem [IN HEBREW]
Bar - Yossef, Yehoshua 1984 Keter $15.00 More Details
  From Language to Language: Literary Works and their Transformation in Hebrew Literature [IN HEBREW]
Werses, Shmuel 1996 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $15.00 More Details
  Nostalgia and Nightmare: A Study in the Fiction of S.Y Agnon
Band, Arnold J. 1968 University of California Press $35.00 More Details
  Hazaz: Portraits of a Storyteller [IN HEBREW]
Drori, Itamar 2017 The Ben Gurion Research Institution for the Study of Israel and Zionism / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev $15.00 More Details
  The Prophet In Modern Hebrew Literature.
Agus, Jacob B. 1957 The Hebrew Union College Press $20.00 More Details
  Our Man in Damascus
Ben-Hanan, Eli 1967 A.D.M. $25.00 More Details
  Correspondence between S. J. Abramowitsch, Ch. N. Bialik and Y. Ch. Rawnitzki: 1905-1908 [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY].
Abramowitsch, S. J. ; Bialik, Ch. N. ; Rawnitzki, Y. Ch. / Shmeruk, Chone [Ed., Intro.] 1976 Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $15.00 More Details
  Desert`s Wind: The Story Of Yehoshua Cohen [IN HEBREW]
Sheleg, Yair 1998 Ministry of Defence $15.00 More Details
  The Flute and the Arrow: Based upon the Great Film by Arne Sucksdorff [IN HEBREW].
Ravikovitch, Dalia 1963 $14.06 More Details
  Collected Stories of Sholom Aleichem - De Luxe Illustrated Edition [TWO VOLUME SET].
Aleichem, Sholom / Butwin, Frances [Trans.] / Shahn, Ben [Illustrations] 1953 Crown Publishers $40.00 More Details
  [Some Reflections On The Ethnic Problem In Israel] [Megamot Volume XXVIII, Nos. 2\3] [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION.]
Lissak, Moshe ; Ronel Nurit [Ed.] 1984 The Henrietta Szold Institute - National Institute For Research In The Behavioural Sciences $17.19 More Details
  The Bridal Canopy
Agnon, S. Y. [Shmuel Yosef] / Lask, I. M. [Trans.] 1967 Schocken $20.00 More Details
  Social Structure and Health In Israel [IN HEBREW]
Shuval, Judith T. ; Anson, Ofra 2000 The Hebrew University Magnes Press $17.19 More Details
  In the Heart of the Seas: A Story of a Journey to the Land of Israel
Agnon, Shmuel Yosef [S. Y.] / Lask, I. M. [Trans.] / Rome, T. Herzl [Drawings] 1947 Schocken $15.00 More Details
  Shivitti: A Vision
Ka-Tzetnik 135633 [De-Nur, Yehiel] / De-Nur, Eliyah Nike; Herman, Lisa [Trans.] 1998 Gateways / IDHHB $20.00 More Details
  Guerre Dans Le Neguev: Piece En Trois Actes Et Six Tableaux
Mossinsohn, Igal / Pines, Fanny [Trans.] 1952 Organistion Sioniste Mondiale $20.00 More Details
  Two Tales: Betrothed & Edo and Enam
Agnon, S.Y. [Shmuel Yosef] / Lever, Walter [Trans.] 1966 Schocken Books $20.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 192) 

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