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Books in this category :
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Showing books 101 to 110 (of 110) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Physiology and Biophysics [Volume 1]
Howell-Fulton 1979 W. B. Saunders $25.00 More Details
The Recombinant DNA Debate
Jackson, David A. and Stich, Stephen P. 1979 Prentice Hall $25.00 More Details
Physiology and Biophysics [Volume 2]
Howell-Fulton 1974 W. B. Saunders $25.00 More Details
Der Vogel
Hess, Gertrud 1946 Büchergilde Gutenberg $20.00 More Details
  Studies on the Microflora of the Dead Sea.
Elazari-Volcani, Benjamin 1940 $38.00 More Details
International Workshop on The Human Genome Project: Legal, Social and Ethical Implications
1997 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $29.38 More Details
Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Tierzucht
Pusch, G. 1911 Ferdinand Enke $30.00 More Details
Principles of Biological Control
Horrobin, David 1970 Medical and Technical $30.00 More Details
Antisense Strategies
Baserga, Renato / Denhardt, David T. 1992 The New York Academy of Sciences $20.00 More Details
  Studies on the Microflora of the Dead Sea [IN HEBREW].
Elazari-Volcani, Benjamin 1940 The Hebrew University $35.00 More Details

Showing books 101 to 110 (of 110) 

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