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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 95) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Lauf der sterne - lauf der welt: Das Tierkreiszeichen in der juischen und chirstlichen kunst / Sphère céleste - Sphère terrestre: Les signes du zodiaque dans l`art juif et chretien
Fishof, Iris 2002 The Israel Museum $15.00 More Details
Lauf der sterne - lauf der welt Das Tierkreiszeichen in der juischen und chirstlichen kunst / Sphère céleste - Sphère terrestre Les signes du zodiaque dans l`art juif et chretien
Fishof, Iris 2002 The Israel Museum $15.00 More Details
  On the Heavenly Spheres: A Treatise on Traditional Astrology
Avelar, Helena ; Ribeiro, Luis 2010 American Federatio of Astrologers $20.00 More Details
  Spiritism and the Cult of the Dead in Antiquity
Paton, Lewis Bayles 1921 The Macmillan Company $30.00 More Details
Reichek, Jesse / Zervos, Christian; Bellow, Saul [Foreword] 1960 Cahiers d`Art $30.00 More Details
  Ah Mine`l-Ask (Oh, Love!) - Ocean Of Mevlana
Mevlana, Jelaleddin-i Rumi / Efe, Ahmet [Ed.] / Cavusoglu, Sami [Tr.] 2005 T. R. Governorship of Konya, Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism $30.00 More Details
Never on a Broomstick.
Donovan, Frank 1973 George Allen & Unwin $80.00 More Details
  Parmigianino e la pratica dell`alchimia
Parmigianino / Ferino-Pagden, Sylvia ; Del Torre Scheuch, Francesca ; Fadda, Elisabetta ; Gabriele, Mino [Eds.] 2003 Silvana Editoriale $25.00 More Details
  Philosophic Mysticism: Studies in Rational Religion.
Blumenthal, David R. 2006 Bar-Ilan University $95.00 More Details
  Mysticism: Experience, Response, and Empowerment [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Hollenback, Jess Byron 1996 The Pennsylvania State University $30.00 More Details
  Erzahlungen von Engeln, Geistern und Damonen
Buber, Martin 1994 Lambert Schneider $15.00 More Details
  Bibliotheca magica et pneumatica, oder, wissenschaftlich geordnete Bibliographie: der wichtigsten in das Gebiet des Zauber-, Wunder-, Geister- und sonstigen Aberglaubens vorzuglich alterer Zeit einschlagenden Werke.
Georg, Johann ; Grasse, Theodor 1960 Georg Olms $20.00 More Details
  Obadiah: The Despised Prophet of Sephardim
Sanchez, Dell F. 2004 Mall Publishing $15.00 More Details
  Gershom Scholem: Kabbalah and Counter-History
Biale, David 1982 Harvard University $20.00 More Details
  L`Astrosophie: Revue Mensuelle D`Astrologie [ésotérique et exotérique] et des Sciences Psychiques et Occultes - Vol. 17 N. 2.
Rolt-Wheeler, Francis 1937 Institut Astrologique de Carthage $15.00 More Details
  Vie Gnostiche All`immortalita.
Casadio, Giovanni 1997 Morcelliana $20.00 More Details
  The Light and Fire of the Baal Shem Tov
Buxbaum, Yitzhak 2005 Continuum $30.00 More Details
  The Joseph Communications: Trance Missions
Reccia, Michael G. 2013 Brand of Light Media $15.00 More Details
  The Road to Initiation
Martinus / Ornsholt, Anna [Tr.] 1957 The Martinus Institute of Spiritual Science $25.00 More Details
La Cabale: Nouvelles Perspectives [Kabbalah; Kabalah; Kabala; Kabbala; Kabbale; Qabbala; Qabbaláh; Qabale; Cabbale; Cabala; Cabbala] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Idel, Moshé / Mopsik, Charles [Tr.] 1998 Les Éditions du Cerf $145.00 More Details

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