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History of the Yishuv

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Showing books 541 to 560 (of 563) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Palestine Under the Mandate and the State of Israel: Problems in International Law [IN HEBREW].
Feinberg, Nathan 1963 Magnes, The Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
  The Zionist Companies for Land Purchase in Palestine 1897-1914 [IN HEBREW].
Doukhan-Landau, Leah 1979 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $15.00 More Details
Annotated Supreme Court Judgments 1939 - Vol. II [VOLUME TWO ONLY]
Apelbom, Arnold M. [Ed.] 1939 S. Bursi / P. Kadi $40.00 More Details
  Das Arbeitende Erez Jisrael: Ein Sammelbuch.
1946 Hechaluz i Sverige $25.00 More Details
From Foothold to Settled Territory: The Jewish Settlement, 1918-1938. A Geographical Interperetation and Documentation [IN HEBREW]
Reichman, Shalom 1979 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $14.06 More Details
  Rimpatrio Ebraico in Erez Israel
S. K. [Samuele Kruglikoff] ND (1930s) $115.00 More Details
Utopia- Sixty Years Later[IN HEBREW]
Shaham, Nathan $14.06 More Details
  Two Hundred Jerusalem Stories [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR].
Atzaba, Yehuda 2007 $20.31 More Details
Refugees Defeating a Great Power. [IN HEBREW]
Hadari, V. Z. $17.19 More Details
Die JÜdische Arbeiterschaft in PalÄstina, Aufgabe und Werk. Dem Kongress der Soyialistischen Arbeiter-International, BrÜssel 1928.
1928 Verlag des Verbandsbüros Poale Zion $30.00 More Details
  Ani Maamin... Essais Palestiniens.
Spy, S. N. [Simon Nemoï, Nemoi] 1926 J. Schulsinger $55.00 More Details
Yiskor: Ein Buch des Gedenkens an gefallene MÄchter und Arbeiter im Lande Israel
Buber, Martin (Intr.) 1920 Jüdischer Verlag $20.00 More Details
  Rishon Le Zion: 1882-1941 [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED BY EDITOR].
Idelovitch, David [Ed.] 1941 Carmel Oriental $68.75 More Details
  Redemption in Bondage: The Women Workers Movement In Eretz Israel 1920-1939 [IN HEBREW].
Stern, Bat-Sheva Margalit 2006 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Schechter institute $20.31 More Details
  Jerusalem Year-Book for the diffusion of an accurate knowledge of ancient and modern Palestine - XIII. volume, 5569 = 1919 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW].
Luncz, Abraham Moses [Ed.] / Idelsohn, A.Z.; Elmalih, A.; et al. 1919 Published at Luncz printing ofiice $90.00 More Details
A City Reflected in its Times: Jerusalem in the Nineteenth Century, The old City [IN HEBREW]
Ben-Arieh, Y. 1977 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $23.44 More Details
A Historical Achievement And Its Evolution. The Kibbutz and Moshav Settlement, 1910-1990. [IN HEBREW]
Abigail Paz-Yeshayahu, Yosef Gorny. (Ed.) 2006 Ben Gurion University of The Negev Press $29.69 More Details
Palestine and Trans - Jurdan: Report for the Year 1933. Colonial No. 94 58-94.
1934 His Majesty`s Stationery Office $45.00 More Details
Privatwirtschaftliche und Genossenschaftliche Kolonisation in Palästina
Rubaschow, Salman 1922 Ferdinand Ostertag $25.00 More Details
Ben-Zion, S. / Mayer, Max [Trans.] 1931 Keren Kajemeth Lejisrael $65.00 More Details

Showing books 541 to 560 (of 563) 

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