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Jubilee & Memorial Books

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Showing books 301 to 302 (of 302) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Paul Clemen 31. Oktober 1926 [SIGNED BY PAUL CLEMEN].
Clemen, Paul / Worringer, Wilhelm; Reiners, Heribert; Seligmann, Leopold [Eds.] / Curtius, E.R.; Winter, W., Sauer, J.; Kautzsch, R. et al. 1926 Druck: L. Schwann / Verlag von Fried. Cohen $65.00 More Details
  Alexander Marx - Jubilee Volume
Lieberman, Saul (ed.) 1950 The Jewish Theological Seminary of America $45.00 More Details

Showing books 301 to 302 (of 302) 

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