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Polish Jewry

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 341 to 348 (of 348) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Grandeur and Glory - Hod Vehadar: Remnants of Jewish Art in Galicia - Vol. I (1): Eastern Galicia A-O [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Wunder, Meir ; Lukin, Benjamin ; Khaimovich, Boris [Ed.] 2005 Institute for Commemoration of Galician Jewry $45.00 More Details
Yizkor Baranow
Blumenthal, Nachman (Ed.) 1964 Yad Vashem / The Baranow Association $37.50 More Details
  Historia i Literatura Zydowska: Ze Szczegolnym Uwzglednieniem Historji Zydow w Polsce - Dla Klas Wyzszych Szkol Srednich [THREE VOLUME SET].
Balaban, Majer [Meir Samuel] 1982 Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe $65.00 More Details
  In Fesseln: Der Traum eines Klausners - Dramatisches Gedicht in drei Akten
Perez, Jizchok Leib [I. L.] / Schmitz, Siegfried [Tr.] / Buber, Martin [Intr.] 1920 R. Lowit (Dr. M. Prager) $30.00 More Details
  Die Judenstadt von Lublin.
Balaban, Majer \ Henker, Karl Richard [Drawing] 1919 Jüdischer Verlag $25.00 More Details
  Warszewer Szriften [LIMITED EDITION - COPY #233].
1927 Hendlera $180.00 More Details
  Ostrow Wielkopolski: w dawnej pocztowce 1897-1939.
Banach, Witold 2002 $50.00 More Details
Zydyi Polscy: Dzieje i kultura
Fuks, M. / Hoffman, Z. / Horn, M. / Tomaszewski, J 1982 Interpress $20.00 More Details

Showing books 341 to 348 (of 348) 

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