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Italian Jewry

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 121 to 136 (of 136) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Prophet of San Nicandro
Lapide, Phinn E. 1953 The Beechhurst Press $25.00 More Details
  As by a Mirror: Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy [IN HEBREW].
Bonfil, Robert 1994 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $20.31 More Details
La Comunita Israelitica - Annual 5, No. 3, March 1937-XV - Pesach 5697
1937 Organo della Comunita Israelitica di Roma $20.00 More Details
  The Jews in Mussolini`s Italy: From Equality to Persecution.
Sarfatti, Michele / Tedeschi, John and Anne C. 2006 The University of Wisconsin $20.00 More Details
  DAVAR (Parola): Rassegna Mensile Israelitica Illustrata di Cultura, Arte ed Attualita [Anno V - N. 1-12, Gennaio 1936-XIV - Dicembre 1936-XV]
Davar 1936 Edizioni `Memorandum` dell`Istituto Internazionale d`Espansione $180.00 More Details
The Jews in Piedmont, Volume One: 1297-1582
Segre, Renata 1986 The Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities $50.94 More Details
The Jews in Piedmont, Volume Three: 1724-1798 and Index
Segre, Renata 1990 The Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities $57.81 More Details
The Jews in Piedmont, Volume Two: 1582-1723
Segre, Renata 1988 The Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities $50.94 More Details
Sefer Ha-Maftir di Urbino.
Nahon, Umberto / Sarfatti, Gad 1964 Tarshish / Federazione Sionistica Italiana $75.00 More Details
Sefer Ha-Maftir di Urbino.
Nahon, Umberto [S. U.] / Sarfatti, Gad 1964 Tarshish / Federazione Sionistica Italiana $65.00 More Details
  Il Libro d`Isaia.
Reggio, Isaaco [Tr.] 1831 Fratelli Mattiuzi $120.00 More Details
  The Jews of Trieste in the Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Dubin, Lois Carol 1988 Harvard University $95.00 More Details
Geschichte der Juden in Rom - Erster Band [VOLUME 1 ONLY]
Vogelstein, Hermann / Rieger, Paul 1896 Mayer & Müller $45.00 More Details
  Leo Modena - Levelei es Irasai.
Leo Modena [Yehudah Aryeh miModena; Leon of Modena] / Blau, Lajos [Ed.&Tr.] 1905 Nyomatott Alkalay Adolf es Fia-nal Pozsonyban $80.00 More Details
  Italia: Studi e Ricerche Sulla Storia, la Cultura e la Letteratura Degli Ebrei d`Italia / Periodical for Research in the History, Culture and Literature of the Jews of Italy - Volume IV no. 2 [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Sermoneta, G. ; Bonfil, R. [Ed.] 1985 The Magness Press, The Hebrew University $20.00 More Details
Orazioni Postume.
della Torre, L. [Lelio; Hillel] 1878 Premiata Tipografia alla Minerva $35.00 More Details

Showing books 121 to 136 (of 136) 

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