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South and Latin American Jewry

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 50) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Raizes de uma Jordana.
Safra, Vicky; Dayan, Clairy; Djamal, Fortuna 2009 Instituto Cultural J. Safra $35.00 More Details
  Latin American Jewry : Essays in Honor of Haim Avni [SIGHNED BY AUTHOR] [IN HEBREW].
AMILAT- Research Association for Latin American Jewry 2001 AMILAT- Research Association for Latin American Jewry / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $20.31 More Details
  The History of Jewish Immigration to Argentina 1810-1950 [SIGNED BY AUTHOR] [IN HEBREW].
Avni, Haim 1982 The Magnes Press / The Hebrew University $17.19 More Details
  Un Judio de Mexico Opina [SIGN BY AUTHOR]
Krauze, Por Jose 1969 Editorial Hasefer $20.00 More Details
  Comunidades Judias De Latinoamerica - 1971-1972
Kovadloff, Jacobo \ Kovadloff, Santiago ; Mazar, Natalio [Ed.] 1974 Oficina Sudamericana del Comite Judio Americano Instituto De Relaciones Humanas $20.00 More Details
  Simon Bolivar: Seleccion De Escritos
Rachum, Ilan [Ed.] \ Daian, Yosef [Trans.] 1977 Universidad Hebrea De Jerusalen $14.06 More Details
  Jews in Brazil: From the Beginning of their Settlement to Brazil`s Independence (1500-1882) [IN HEBREW]
Wiznitzer, Arnold 1991 The Magnes Press / The Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
  Oraciones de Vispera de Shabat Para ninos [SIGNED BY PAUL HIRSCH]
Hirsch, Paul ; Kalbermann, Enrique Lamroth Hakol $25.00 More Details
  Judaica Latinoamericana: Estudios Historico-Sociales
Bejarano, Margalit ; Raicher, Rosa Perla ; Schenkolewski, Silvia ; Senkman, Leonardo [Eds.] 1988 Editorial Universitaria Magness, Universidad Hebrea [Magnes Press] $20.00 More Details
  Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism: Latin America in the Jewish World.
Bokser Liwerant, Judit; Ben-Rafael, Eliezer; Gorny, Yossi; Rein, Raanan [Eds.] 2008 Brill Academic Publishers $48.00 More Details
  Moledet: Revista Mensual Ilustrada para Ninos y Adolescentes - Ano VII, Volumen III, 1952 [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Edery, Moshe [Ed.] 1952 Publicada por el DTO. de la Juventud y del Jalutz de la Organizacion Sionista Mundial $20.00 More Details
  Judaica Latinoamericana - Estudios Historico-Sociales [2 VOLUME SET].
Avni, Haim ; Alsberg, P.A ; Loker, Zvi 1988 \ 1993 Editorial Universitaria Magnes - Universidad Hebrea \ Amilat $65.00 More Details
Shatzky-Buj - Memorias, Cartas y Ensayos de Jacob Shatzky [IN YIDDISH]
Shatzky, Jacob / Liftschutz, E. [ed.] 1958 Instituto Cientifico Judio - IWO $25.00 More Details
Manuel de Lima: Fundador de la Masoneria Chilena - 3
Böhm, Günter 1979 Publicacion del Centro de Estudios de Cultura Judaica: Universidad de Chile $40.00 More Details
  Jewish Creativity: In Portuguese Speaking Countries - Portugal and Brazil [IN YIDDISH].
Raizman, Itzhak Z. 1975 Museum of Printing Art $23.44 More Details
Uruguay, la comunidad israelita y el pueblo judio
Raicher, Rosa Perla [Reicher] 2003 Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalen \ Universidad de la Republica $120.00 More Details
Selecoes Sionistas: Anno III-IV, Setembro 1961 - Junho 1963; Anno V No. 1 - Julho-Agosto-Setembro 1963 [TEN VOLUMES BOUND IN TWO]
Milman, Abrao; Bass, Isaac; Halpern, Jose; Oliven, Klaus; Eizerik, Moises; Gerchman, Paulo; Cantergi, Valdemar [Eds.] 1961-1963 Organizacao Sionista Unificada $120.00 More Details
  Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number [IN HEBREW]
Timerman, Jacobo 1981 Domino Press $14.06 More Details
  Jews in Latin America [IN YIDDISH] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Gotlib, Isaac 1960 CYCO $30.00 More Details
El Industrial Maderero: En Homenaje al Aniversario Patrio, Julio 1952
1952 $45.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 50) 

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