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Hebrew poetry

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 181) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Poetics of Sephardic Liturgical Poetry in Relation of Poetics and Poems of Rav Moshe Ibn Ezra [IN HEBREW]
Dana, Joseph 1999 The Institute for Hebrew-Arabic Comparative Research $26.56 More Details
  Piyyute Yannai: Liturgical Poems of Yannai - Collected from Geniza-Manuscripts and Other Sources [IN HEBREW].
Zulay, Menahem [Ed.] 1938 Schocken / Jewish Publication Company $37.50 More Details
  Fighting and Killing Without End: Political Poetry in the Lebanon War [IN HEBREW]
Hever, Hanna; Ron, Moshe [Ed.] $14.06 More Details
Livni, Varda E. / Bacon, Yehuda [Drawings] Kesset $14.06 More Details
  The Kingly Crown
Ibn Gabirol, Solomon / Lewis, Bernard [Trans.] 1961 Vallentine Mitchell $20.00 More Details
  Burning Bush of Flesh and Blood: Poetucs and Retoric in the Modernist and Archetypal Poetry of Uri Zvi Greenberg [IN HEBREW]
Shoham, Reuven 1997 The Ben-Gurion Research Center / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press $20.31 More Details
  New Selected Poems 1957-2005 [IN HEBREW]
Rubner, Tuvia 2005 Keshev $20.31 More Details
  Belated Beauty [IN HEBREW]
Rubner, Tuvia \ Weichert, Rafi [Editor in chief] 2009 Keshev $14.06 More Details
  Hebrew Melodies [IN HEBREW]
Heine, Heinrich / Hameiri, Avigdor [Trans.] 1949 Sinai $15.00 More Details
  The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself: From the Beginnings to the Present - Sixty-Nine Poems in a New Presentation
Burnshaw, Stanley ; Carmi, T. ; Spicehandler, Ezra [Ed.] 1965 Holt, Rinehart and Winston $20.00 More Details
  Ch. N. Bialik: Album.
1935 Ajala by Dvir $39.06 More Details
  Gedichte - I [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Bialik, Chaïm Nachman / Weinberg, Louis [Trans.] 1920 Welt-Verlag $15.00 More Details
  Bialik: Antologia della rinascita ebraica.
Belli, Antonio 1966 Edizioni di Comunita $20.00 More Details
  The Syrian African Rift: And other poems.
Avoth Yeshurun / Schimmel, Harold [Trans., Intro.] 1980 The Jewish Publication Society of America $45.00 More Details
  Si Me Olvido de Ti, Jerusalen: Cantos de las Sinagogas de al-Andalus [IN HEBREW AND SPANISH]
Levin, Israel; Saenz-Badillos, Angel 1992 Ediciones El Almendro $48.00 More Details
  In the eye of the Storm: Esaays on the Storm [IN HEBREW].
Bareli, Avi ; Ginossar, Pinhas [Eds.] 2004 The Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev $20.31 More Details
  Cain and Abel: A Poem [IN HEBREW].
Regelson, Abraham 1932 $14.06 More Details
  The Light of Lose Suns: Selected Poems of Amir Gilboa.
Gilboa, Amir / Kafuman, Shirley ; Rimmon, Shlomith [Ed., Trans.] 1979 Persea Books $15.00 More Details
  The Song of Songs which is Shelomo`s.
Beinstock, Gideon 1982 Tammuz $20.00 More Details
Bialik, Hayim-Nahmane [Chaim Nachman] / Milbauer, Joseph [Trans.] 1967 Organisation Sioniste Mondiale $20.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 181) 

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