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East European Jewry

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Showing books 341 to 356 (of 356) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Auerbach, Aliza / Pollak, Myrna [Tran.] 1992 Ministry of Defence $25.00 More Details
  Powstanie w Getcie Warszawskim (19 Kwietnia- 16 maja 1943).
Kermisz, Jozef 1946 Centrala Zydowska Komisja Historyczna $20.00 More Details
  Out of the Ashes - The Impact of American Jews on Post-Holocaust European Jewry [SIGNED BY AUTHOR]
Bauer, Yehuda 1989 Pergamon Press $115.00 More Details
  Zidovi na tlu Jugoslavije
Soric, Ante, et al. [Eds.] 1988 Muzejski prostor $75.00 More Details
The Shtetl - Soul of a People
Schloss, Ezekiel / Einhorn, David [Intr.] 1970 Jewish Education Committee of New York $80.00 More Details
  Historical Works (New Series): Vol. II - Converts in Tsarist Russia: Studies in History of Russian Jewry [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN YIDDISH].
Ginsburg, Saul M. 1946 Cyco $20.31 More Details
  In Foreign Pastures: Jewish Writers in Romania (1880-1940) [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Yoffe, A.B 1996 The Goldstein-Goren Center \ The Diaspora Research Institute \ Tel-Aviv University $20.31 More Details
Wolpe, David E. / Sutzkever, Abraham 1985 Kayor $37.50 More Details
Haynt yoyvl buch 1908-1938 / Ksiega Jubileuszowa dziennika "Hajnt" [Yidishes tageblat] [IN YIDDISH].
Balaban, M. [Meir] [Chief Editor] 1938 Drukarnia Uniwersalna $95.00 More Details
  Ecos de Grodno / Grodner Opklangen [Echoes of Grodno] [YIDDISH AND SPANISH].
Zak, Avraham [Abraham] [Ed.] 1966 Asociacion Israelita de Ex Residentes de Grodno $110.00 More Details
  Historia i Literatura Zydowska: Ze Szczegolnym Uwzglednieniem Historji Zydow w Polsce - Dla Klas Wyzszych Szkol Srednich [THREE VOLUME SET].
Balaban, Majer [Meir Samuel] 1982 Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe $65.00 More Details
  The Jews of Kaesmark and the Vicinity in the Holocaust Period
Meiri-Minravi, Chaia $56.25 More Details
  Pinkas HaKehillot: Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities - Poland: Vol.1 - The Communities of Lodz and its Region [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW].
Dabrowska, Danuta ; Wein, Abraham [Ed.] 1976 Yad Vashem $56.25 More Details
1968 The Israel-American Book Committee $68.75 More Details
  Pinkes Klezk: A Memorial to the Jewish Community of Klezk (Poland) [IN HEBREW AND YIDDISH].
Stein, A. S. [Ed.] 1959 $87.50 More Details
Die Judenpogrome in Russland - I. Allgemeiner Teil / II. Einzeldarstellungen [2 VOLUME SET].
Linden, A. / Fischer, M. / Umanski, A. / Josefi, P. / Krutschanski, J. 1909 Jüdischer Verlag $95.00 More Details

Showing books 341 to 356 (of 356) 

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