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English & American Literature

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Showing books 181 to 196 (of 196) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Kinder des Ghetto - Zweiter Band [VOLUME TWO ONLY].
Zangwill, J. [Israel; Jisrael] / Berger, Adele [Tr.] 1913 Verlag Siegfried Cronbach $18.00 More Details
  New Arabian Nights [2 VOLUMES IN ONE].
Stevenson, Robert Louis 1883 Karl Grädener \ J. F. Richter $45.00 More Details
  Vanity Fair [IN HEBREW]
Thackeray, William Makepeace 1962 $20.31 More Details
Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. In the Years 1701, 1702, 1703.
Addison, Joseph 1718 J. Tonson $75.00 More Details
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy
Mr. Yorick [Sterne, Laurence] 1774 P. Miller / J. White / Strand $240.00 More Details
  The English Novel: From the Earliest Days to the Death of Joseph Conrad.
Ford, Ford Madox 1930 Constable & Co. $28.00 More Details
  Coningsby: Or, the New Generation.
Disraeli, B. 1844 Tauchnitz $20.00 More Details
Steinbeck, John / Gannett, Ruth [Illustrations] 1935 Grosset & Dunlap $1,075.00 More Details
  The Second Jungle Book
Kipling, Rudyard 1917 Charles Scribner`s Sons $20.00 More Details
Sophia de Lissau; or a Portraiture of the Jews, of the Nineteenth Century [19th];
[Bristow, Amelia] 1829 T. Gardiner and Son $85.00 More Details
  The Seasons.
Thomson, James 1806 Steudel and Keil $60.00 More Details
The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton with a Memoir.
Chatterton, Thomas 1878 Houghton, Osgood and Company / The Riverside Press $25.00 More Details
The Wandering Jew at Ellis Island
Willby, Ernest 1933 The Willby Art Co. $40.00 More Details
  The First Five Years \ The Hounded Man
Seltzer, Thomas \ Carco, Francis 1925 \ 1924 The Committee \ Thomas Seltzer $45.00 More Details
  The Ballad of Reading Gaol [RARE EDITION]
Wilde, Oscar ND Barse & Hopkins $30.00 More Details
  Shakespeares Werke / Shakespeare`s Wroks [6 VOLUME SET] [BILINGUAL EDITION ENGLISH - GERMAN].
Shakespeare, William / Schucking, L. L. 1958 / 1961 Tempel $75.00 More Details

Showing books 181 to 196 (of 196) 

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