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English & American Literature

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 196) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Trumpet-Major: John Loveday - A Soldier in the War with Buonaparte and Robert his Brother
Hardy, Thomas / Reddick, Peter [Wood Engravings] 1990 The Folio Society $20.00 More Details
  Many Inventions
Kipling, Rudyard 1893 Macmillan and Co. $25.00 More Details
  Catchwords and Claptrap.
Macaulay, Rose 1926 Leonard & Virginia Woolf $45.00 More Details
  Shakespeare and Rome.
Holland, Peter ; Smith, Emma [Eds.] 2016 Cambridge University Press $25.00 More Details
  The Less Deceived: Poems
Larkin, Philip 1955 The Marvell Press $35.00 More Details
  Idiomatic Creativity: A Cognitive-Linguistic Model of Idiom-Representation and Idiom-Variation in English.
Langlotz, Andreas 2006 John Benjamins $65.00 More Details
  Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid - A Metaphorical Fugue on Minds and Machines in the Spirit of Lewis Carroll
Hofstadter, Douglas R. 1999 Basic Books $18.00 More Details
  Ulysses / Aantekeningen bij James Joyce`s Ulysses [TWO VOLUME SET]
Joyce, James; Vandenbergh, John / Vandenbergh, John [Trans.] 1971 De Bezige Bij $40.00 More Details
  Shakespeare and Modernity: Early Modern to Millennium
Grady, Hugh [Ed.] 2000 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  Shakespeare Without Women: Representing Gender and Race on the Renaissance Stage
Callaghan, Dympna [Ed.] 2000 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  Shakespeare in the Present
Hawkes, Terence [Ed.] 2002 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  Shakespeare and Appropriation
Desmet, Christy; Sawyer, Robert [Ed.] 1999 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  A Hebrew Anthology of American Verse [IN HEBREW].
Avinoam, Reuben 1953 Am Oved $17.19 More Details
  Ernest Hemingway: Machismo and Masochism
Fantina, Richard 2005 Palgrave Macmillan $45.00 More Details
  Praisers of Folly: Erasmus, Rabelais, Shakespeare
Kaiser, Walter 1964 Victor Gollancz $18.00 More Details
  Short Stories.
Saki / Letts, John [Ed.] / Lancaster, Osbert [Illu.] 1976 The Folio Society $20.00 More Details
  Cold Comfort Farm.
Gibbons, Stella / Blake, Quentin [Illu.] 1977 The Folio Society $20.00 More Details
  Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man.
Sassoon, Siegfried / Lascelles, Alan [Intro.] / Lamb, Lynton [Illu.] 1971 The Folio Society $20.00 More Details
  I, Claudius: From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, Emperor of the Romans, Born 10 BC Murdered and Deified AD 54.
Graves, Robert / Massie, Allan [Intro.] / Packer, Neil [Illu.] 1994 The Folio Society $20.00 More Details
  Goodbye to Berlin.
Isherwood, Christopher / Grosz, George [Illu.] / Whitford, Frank [Ed.] 1975 The Folio Society $20.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 196) 

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