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Yizkor Books

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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 145) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Blumental, Nachman [Ed.] 1964 Yad Vashem / The Baranow Association $43.75 More Details
  Mahnmal Landsberg zum Gedenken an den Leidensweg von 28.838 jüdischen Häftlingen in den KZ-Kommandos Landsberg/Kaufering vom 18. Juni 1944 bis 27. April 1945
Neunzert, Hartfrid 1994 Wolfratshausen $25.00 More Details
Rivlin, Bracha [Ed.] 1998 Yad Vashem $65.00 More Details
  Lublin [IN HEBREW].
Blumenthal, N. ; Korzen, M. 1957 The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora $54.69 More Details
  Kartuz-Breze, Our Town - Memorial Book [Byaroza; Biaroza; Beryoza; Bereza] [IN HEBREW]
1993 Organization of the Survivors of Kartuz-Breze $95.00 More Details
  Gedenkbuch der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf für ihre jüdischen Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung und Vernichtung 1933-1945
1988 Stadt Düsseldorf $20.00 More Details
  Harkavy`s American Letter Writer and Speller: English and Yiddish
1902 The Hebrew Publishing $20.00 More Details
  Remembering: Voices of Prague Jewish Women
Biglova, Katerina; Dytrych, Zdenek; Matejcek, Zdenek 1994 Vydal Zdenek Bigl $20.00 More Details
  Belsen [Bergen-Belsen]
[Rosensaft, Josef; Goldmann, Nahum; Wollheim, Norbert] 1957 Irgun Sheerit hapleita me`haezor Habriti $45.00 More Details
  NEVEK: a Zala Megyebol Kiuzott Zsidok Nevei / Names: Names of the Deported Jews From Zala County.
Bar-Shaked, Gavriel [Ed.] ND The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation / Yad Vashem $55.00 More Details
  NEVEK: a Zala Megyebol Kiuzott Zsidok Nevei / Names: Names of the Deported Jews From Zala County.
Bar-Shaked, Gavriel [Ed.] ND The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation / Yad Vashem $75.00 More Details
  Memorial Book : Jezierzany and Surroundings [Ozeryany; Yezerzhany; Yezezhany; Yeziverzany] [IN HEBREW AND YIDDISH]
Tenenblatt, M.A. [Ed.] 1959 $75.00 More Details
  NEVEK: a Bekes Megyebol Kiuzott Zsidok Nevei / Names: Names of the Deported Jews From Bekes County.
Bar-Shaked, Gavriel [Ed.] ND The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation $45.00 More Details
Wloclawek and Vicinity - Memorial Book [RARE!]
Thursh, Kathriel F.; Korzen, Meir [Eds.] / Gruenbaum, Yehuda; Schachari, Dov; Thursh, Ch.; Unger, Arie ; Alter, Meir; Biderman, Israel 1967 $210.00 More Details
Le-ot u-le-`ed [HEBREW].
Prager, Moshe [Ed.] 1973 Chevra Kadisha $120.00 More Details
  Life and Death in Shadow of the Forest: The Story of Suprasl - A Shtetl in Eastern Poland
[Patt, Yaacov] 1991 Published by the Author $50.00 More Details
  An Eternal Light - Brody in Memoriam: A Memorial Volume to Brody and its Vicinity
Meltzer, Aviv [Ed.] 1994 Organization of Former Brody Residents in Israel $95.00 More Details
  Studies in Memory of Professor Ze`ev Falk [IN HEBREW]
Corinaldi, Michael; Herr, Moshe David; Horwitz, Rivka; Silman, Yochanan David [Eds.] 2005 Mesharim / Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies $20.31 More Details
  The Price of Sacrifice: Crimes Against Poles for Aiding Jews in the Region of Ciepielow
Mlynarczyk, Jacek Andrzej; Piatkowski, Sebastian 2008 Instytut Studiow Strategicznych $30.00 More Details
  The Shoah Scroll: A Holocaust Liturgy.
Shinan, Avigdor / Golinkin, David ; Scheim, Phillip [Ed.] 2003 Schechter Institute / The Rabbinical Assembly $14.06 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 145) 

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