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Jewish Art - Judaica

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 355) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Die Judische Kunst: Ihre Geschichte von den Anfangen Bis Zur Gegenwart
Cohn-Wiener, Ernst 1929 M. Wasservogel $30.00 More Details
Marc Chagall [IN YIDDISH]
Aronson, Boris / Chagall, Marc [Art] 1924 Petropolis Verlag $45.00 More Details
  The Art Of Printing: Four Centuries Of Printing In Eretz Israel [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH AFTERWORD] [SIGNED]
Olitzky, Josef 1973 Museum Of Printing Art, Safed \ American Israeli Paper Mills $37.50 More Details
  Sefer Ha-Maftif Di Urbino: Manoscritto Ebraico del 1704
Nahon, Umberto ; Sarfatti, Gad [intro] 1964 Casa Editrice Tarshish $45.00 More Details
  Jahwes Entgegnun an Ijob: Eine Deutung von Ijob 38-41 vor dem Hintergrund der zeitgenossischen Bildkunst.
Keel, Othmar 1978 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht $180.00 More Details
  Arte e Vita ebraica a Venezia: 1516-1797
Sandri, Maria Grazia; Alazraki, Paolo 1971 G.C Sansoni $35.00 More Details
  Sephardi Jews in The Ottoman Empire: Aspects of Material Culture
Juhasz, Esther [Ed.] / Gonen, Rivka [Curator] 1990 The Israel Museum $40.00 More Details
  Victims and Preperators: Ilka Gedo`s Ghetto-Drawings and Gyorgy Roman`s Drawings of the People`s Court War Criminal Trials [IN HUNGARIAN AND ENGLISH]
Hajdu, Eva [Ed.] / Horvath, George K. [Trans.] 1996 Cultural Exchange Foundation / Anita Semjen $25.00 More Details
  Being Shylock: An Experiment at the Yiddish Art Theatre New York 1947
Hanak-Lettner, Werner; Dalinger, Brigitte [Ed.] 2009 Jewish Museum Vienna $20.00 More Details
  Hershl Ben-Haim
Ben-Haim, Hershl / Melamed, Joseph A. [Ed.] Jonathan D. Reinhold $22.00 More Details
  Biblical Paintings [SIGNED BY ARTIST AND AUTHOR]
Kozenitzky, Lidia / Rosenberg, Shalom [Texts] ; Barak Engel, Hana [Texts] 2005 Lidia Kozenitzky $35.00 More Details
  Jewish Art on Lamps: In the Time of the Mishna [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Sussman, Varda 1970 The Israel Museum $29.69 More Details
  Ludwig Blum 1891-1974
Gahnassia, Yael [Foreword] / Ofrat, Gideon [Intr.] / Kidron, Peretz [Trans.] 1988 Mayanot, Art Gallery & Publishers $20.00 More Details
  10 Historical Sites of the Holy Land [SIGNED BY THE ARTIST]
Blum, Ludwig 1955 Shulamit $75.00 More Details
  Assaph: Studies in Art History - I.
Kenaan, N.; Kuhnel, G. [Ed.] 1980 Tel Aviv University $30.00 More Details
  Jewish Album
Lipszyc, Wisna 1993 Scientific Publishers PWN $35.00 More Details
  "...Und Rachel War Schon.": Abel Panns Bilder zur Bibel
Pann, Abel; Steinberg, Shlomit; Almog, Oz 2000 Judisches Museum Wien $20.00 More Details
  Die Kunst des Abel Pann: Vom Montparnasse Ins Land der Bible / L`art d`Abel Pann: De Montparnasse au Pays de la Bible
Zalmona, Yigal 2005 Israel Museum / Musee d`Israel $55.00 More Details
  The Land of Light and Promise: 50 Years Painting Jerusalem and Beyond - Ludwig Blum 1891-1974
Manor, Dalia [Curator] 2011 Ben Uri Gallery - The London Jewish Museum of Art $35.00 More Details
  The Prague Ghetto
Vilimkova, Milada / Urwin, iris [Trans.] 1993 Aventium $25.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 355) 

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