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Jewish Mysticism, Hasidism & Kabbalah

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Showing books 241 to 260 (of 288) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Martin Buber: 1878/1978
Zink, Wolfgang [Ed.] 1978 Inter Nationes $10.00 More Details
I Cabbalisti Cristiani del Rinascimento
Secret, Francois \ Zoccatelli, PierLuigi [Tr.] 1985 Edizioni Arkeios $28.00 More Details
  Entstehung, Entwickelung [Entwicklung] und Prinzipien des Chassidismus.
Bogratschoff, Ch. [Bograshov, Chajim, Chaim] 1908 Verlag von Louis Lamm $48.00 More Details
Studies in Hasidism [IN HEBREW]
Rubinstein, Avraham [Ed.] 1977 The Zalman Shazar Center for Furtherance of the Study of Jewish History $20.31 More Details
Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev: Portrait of a Hasidic Master
Dresner, Samuel H. 1974 Hartmore House $15.00 More Details
Die Unsterblichkeitslehre (Psychologie, Messianologie und Eschatologie) bei den jüdischen Philosophen des Mittelalters.
Templer, Bernhard 1895 Verlag der Buchhandlung M. Breitenstein $40.00 More Details
Biurei Hachasiduth L`Shas: Hassidic Interpretations on Talmud [IN HEBREW]
Hasidah, IS. I. 1975 Mossad Harav Kook $20.31 More Details
Unger, Menashe 1958 $25.00 More Details
And This Is For Yehuda [IN HEBREW]
[Editors]: Niehoff, Maren R. \ Meroz, Ronit \ Garb, Jonathan 2012 The Bialik Institute $37.50 More Details
Study and Knowledge in Jewish Thought - Volume II [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW WITH ABSTRACTS IN ENGLISH]
Kreisel, Howard [Ed.] ND Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press $14.06 More Details
Chassidism and Palestine [IN HEBREW] [WITH AUTHOR`S DEDICATION]
Werfel, Izak [Raphael] 1940 $56.25 More Details
  One Above and Seven Below: A Consumer`s Guide to Orthodox Judaism from the Perspective of the Chareidim [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Hirshman, Yechezkel 2007 Mazo Publishers $20.00 More Details
Likkutei Sichot - An Anthology of Talks: Relating to the Weekly Sections of the Torah and Special Occasions in the Jewish Calendar.
Schneerson, Menachem M. (The Lubavitcher Rebbe) \ Schochet, Jacob Immanuel 1980 "Kehot" Publication Society $25.00 More Details
  Les Origines de la Kabbale
Scholem, Gershom G. / Loewenson, Jean [Trans.] 1966 Aubier-Montaigne $45.00 More Details
Bet ha-Midrasch. Sammlung kleiner Midraschim und vermischter Abhandlungen aus der ältern jüdischen Literatur: Vierter Theil [IN HEBREW. THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Jellinek, Adolph [Jelinek, Adolf; Aharon; Aaron] 1938 Bamberger & Wahrmann $40.00 More Details
Oleloth Mi-Batsir: Haskala, Hassidism and Mitnaggedim in Neglected Literary Works [IN HEBREW]
Zohar, Naomi 1987 Rubin Mass $20.31 More Details
Twerski on Spirituality
Twerski, Abraham J. 1998 Shaar Press $22.00 More Details
  Lider Foon Heylikn Eplfeld (Kabbalistic poems) [IN YIDDISH]
Shenhod, Shlomo 1980 Israel-Book $29.69 More Details
Hadad, Boaz / Bouaz [ed]. 1947 Bouaz Hadad $105.00 More Details
  Die goldene Kette: Das Drama einer chassidischen Familie
Perez, Jizchok Leib / Schmitz, Siegfried [Trans.] 1917 R. Löwit Verlag $20.00 More Details

Showing books 241 to 260 (of 288) 

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