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Books in this category :
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Showing books 361 to 366 (of 366) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Conspectus Florae Orientalis: Fascicle 4.
Heller, D. / Heyn, C.C 1987 Central Press $21.88 More Details
Strategies for the National Support of Basic Research: An International Comparison
Asher, I. / Keynan, A. / Zadok, M. (Ed.) 1995 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $21.25 More Details
Fauna Palaestina. Crustacea I: Hyperiidea (Amphipoda) of Israel: A Morphological Atlas
Zelickman, Engelina A. 2004 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $75.00 More Details
The Jurassic Stratigraphy in Israel and the Adjacent Countries
Picard, L. and Hirsch, F. 1987 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $18.75 More Details
Deltaic and Shallow Marine Deposits
van Straaten, L. M. J. U. 1964 Elsevier $19.00 More Details
Frontiers of Science
Chase, Carl Trueblood 1937 The English Universities Press $20.00 More Details

Showing books 361 to 366 (of 366) 

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