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Showing books 361 to 368 (of 368) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Gabriel Riesser`s Gesammelte Schriften - Zweiter Band (Volume II) [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Riesser, Gabriel / Isler, M. [Meyer] [Ed.] 1867 Riesser Stiftung $20.00 More Details
  The Jewish Law and the State of Israel: Collected Articles [IN HEBREW].
Bazak, Jacob 1969 Mossad Harav Kook $29.69 More Details
Education in Light of Israeli Law and Halakhic Literature [2 Volumes; IN HEBREW]
Glick, Shmuel The Schocken Institute of the JTS $53.12 More Details
The Condominium Law: A study of its Operation
Weisman, Joshua 1970 Institute for legislative reaserch and comparative $30.00 More Details
Deutsches Handelsrecht - Zweiter Teil
Müller-Erzbach, Rudolf 1924 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $150.00 More Details
Schweizerisches Obligationenrecht
Rennefahrt 1919 Schultnek & Co. $45.00 More Details
  Personal Status in Israel. Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University Legal Studies No. 4. [IN HEBREW]
Silberg, M. 1965 $23.44 More Details
The Defenses of Freedom [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR!]
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 1966 Harper & Row $68.00 More Details

Showing books 361 to 368 (of 368) 

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