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Showing books 241 to 260 (of 280) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Conquista do Peru - Tragedia.
de Aguiar, Manoel Caetano Pimenta 1818 Impressao Regia $90.00 More Details
  The Prankster`s Decline : Essays and Plays [IN HEBREW].
Sachs, Arieh 1978 Sifriat Poalim $14.06 More Details
  The Hebrew Theatre: Its First Fifty Years [IN HEBREW].
Kohansky, Mendel 1974 Weidenfeld and Nicolson $14.06 More Details
  La Petite Illustration [théâtrale]. Roman - Theatre. Revue Hebdomadaire [COMPILATION OF 27 ISSUES BOUND TOGETHER].
Donnay, Maurice; Bataille, Henry; Nepoty, Lucien; Wolff, Pierre; Raynal, Paul; Guitry, Sacha; Nigond, Gabriel; Frondaie, Pierre; et al. approx. 1919-1921 $90.00 More Details
Journal en Miettes [IN HEBREW]
Ionesco, Eugene 1971 Schoken $20.31 More Details
Tragedie di Silvio Pellico
Pellico, Silvio 1839 Felice le Monnier $52.00 More Details
Teatro alla Scala
Lotti, Giorgio & Radice, Raul 1977 Arnoldo Mondadori $25.00 More Details
  A Question of Honor: A Tragedy of the Present Day. In Four Acts.
Nordau, Max / Safford, Mary J. [Trans.] 1907 John W. Luce $15.00 More Details
Bright Star of Exile
Rosenfeld, Lulla 1977 Thomas Y. Crowell $20.00 More Details
  Publii Terentii Afri: Comoediae Sex.
Terence 1825 Harding, Triphook, et Lepard $20.00 More Details
  Chagall : Dreams and Drama - Early Russian Works and Murals for the Jewish Theatre.
Apter - Gabriel, Ruth [Ed.] 1993 The Israel Museum $26.56 More Details
Oeuvres Complètes [VOLUME I ONLY]
Molière (Poquelin, J.-B.) / Rat, Maurice 1956 Bibliothèque de la Pléiade $20.00 More Details
  The Hebrew Theatre: Its First Fifty Years [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Kohansky, Mendel \ Guthrie, Tyrone [Preface] 1969 Israel Universities Press $20.00 More Details
  Almanach: Dramatischer Spiele zur Geselligen Unterhaltung auf dem Lande.
Kotzebue, A. von 1803 F.T. de la Garde $110.00 More Details
Der Konfuse Zauberer oder Treue und Flatterhaftigkeit
Nestroy, Johann 1925 Richard Lanyi $40.62 More Details
  Euripides Werke: Fünftes bis Neuntes Bändchen [FIVE VOLUMES BOUND IN ONE].
Euripides / Ludwig, Gustav [Tr., Intr. & Notes] 1837 Verlag der J. B. Metzler`schen Buchhandlung [Metzler] $45.00 More Details
Die Gedichte und kleinen Dramen
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 1923 Insel $20.00 More Details
Peking Opera
Halson, Elizabeth 1966 Oxford University $20.00 More Details
Songs of a Semite: The Dance to Death, and other Poems [FIRST EDITION]
Lazarus, Emma 1882 Office of "The American Hebrew" $55.00 More Details
Israel Bruna: An Historical Tragedy in Five Acts
Deutsch, Gotthard 1908 Gorham $20.00 More Details

Showing books 241 to 260 (of 280) 

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