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Books in this category :
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Showing books 441 to 447 (of 447) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Katz, Shemuel / Guri, Chaim - introduction 1983 Sifriat Poalim $40.00 More Details
  La forteresse Antonia a Jerusalem et la question du pretoire.
de Sion, Marie Aline 1955 PP. Franciscains $15.00 More Details
  Visit to Alexandria, Damascus, and Jerusalem, During the Successful Campaign of Ibrahim Pasha [TWO VOLUME SET]
Hogg, Edward 1835 Saunders and Otley $610.00 More Details
Geschichte der RÖmerherrschaft in JudÄa und der ZerstÖrung Jerusalems [Vol. 2 ONLY]
Salvador, I. 1847 Franz Schlodtman $40.00 More Details
  A Topographical-Historical Encyclopedia of Palestine - Volume Two: Dor - Jerusalem [IN HEBREW] [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Press, Isaiah [Ed.] 1948 Rubin Mass $20.31 More Details
  Shemuel Katz: Jerusalem - Paintings and Drawings [SIGNED BY THE AUTOR]
Shemuel, Katz / Guri, Chaim [Intro.] 1974 United Artists $75.00 More Details
The Roman Siege of Jerusalem
Furneaux, Rupert 1973 Hart-Davis MacGibbon $20.00 More Details

Showing books 441 to 447 (of 447) 

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