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Showing books 1141 to 1160 (of 1162) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Die Psalmen und die Sprüche Salomos
Schultz, Fr. W. & Strack, Hermann 1888 C. H. Beck $18.00 More Details
Biblische Zeittafeln
Matthiae, Karl / Thiel, Winfried 1985 Neukirchner $20.00 More Details
  Das Mosaische Recht [PART I ONLY]
Saalschütz, J. L. 1846 Carl Heymann $65.00 More Details
  The Stories he Hold: The Dubho Maggid on the Weekly Parashah [TWO VOLUME SET].
Rosenzweig, Miriam 1991 Targum / Feldheim $40.00 More Details
  Repertorium für Biblische und Morgenländische Literatur [VOLUME 7 - THIS VOLUME ONLY].
1780 Weidmanns Erben und Reich $40.00 More Details
  The Self-Interpreting Bible
Brown, John 1838 Thomas Tegg & Son $145.00 More Details
Praktischer Commentar Über den Jeremia
Umbreit, Friedrich Wilhelm Carl (Anmerkungen) 1842 Friedrich Perthes $30.00 More Details
Gunkel, Hermann 1916 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $20.00 More Details
Jesus Sirach
Heinrich W. zur Nieden 1917 Bertelsmann $35.00 More Details
  Sources for Early Biblical History: The Second Milenium B.C. [IN HEBREW].
Malamat, Abraham [Ed.] 1964 The Hebrew University Students` Printing and Publi $20.31 More Details
Gregg, Andrew J. 1900 Printed and bound at the House of Industry of the London Society for Propagating Christianity amongst the Jews $30.00 More Details
Commentary on the Psalms - Facsimile of the 1477 Printing [HEBREW]
Qimchi, David [Kimhi; Kimchi; RaDaK] ND Schocken $110.00 More Details
Twijfel en Geloof
Aalders, W.J./Van der Leeuw, G./Rümke, H.C. 1950 Uitgeversmaatschappij Holland $20.00 More Details
Das Buch Hesekiel
Bertholet, Alfred 1897 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $30.00 More Details
Der Brief des Apostels Paulus an die RÖmer
Olshausen, Hermann (erklärt) 1835 August Wilhelm Unzer $40.00 More Details
Clavis Linguae Sanctae Veteris Testamenti
Stockius , Christianus 1744 Apud Ioh $120.00 More Details
Commentary on the Prophets of the Old Testament: Vol I. Yoel, Amos, Hosea and Zakharya [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Ewald, Georg Heinrich August \ Smith, J. Frederick [Trans.] 1875 Williams and Norgate $45.00 More Details
Die Schrift: VI: Das Buch Jehoschua / VII: Das Buch Richter / VIII: Das Buch Schmuel / IX: Das Buch Könige
Buber, Martin / Rosenzweig, Martin (trans.) ND Schocken $30.00 More Details
  Salomo`s Weisheit / Grundsätze der Religionspolitik / Versuch einer Christlich-Evangelischen Liturgie [3 BOOKS BOUND IN 1].
Hasse, Joh. Gottfr. [Johann Gottfried] / Seiler, Georg Friedrich 1785 / 1781 / 1785 Bey Joh. Rudolph Crökers seel. Wittwe/ In der Gollner und Rudolphischen Buchhandlung / Johann Jakob Palm $250.00 More Details
  Targum Jonathan to the Prophets [Yonasan; Yonatan] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Churgin, Pinkhos [Hurgin, Pinhas; Pinkhas] 1907 Yale University Press $30.00 More Details

Showing books 1141 to 1160 (of 1162) 

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