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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 284) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Judeofobia - Tomo III [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Perednik, Gustavo Daniel 1999 Universidad de Panama / B`nai Brith de Panama - Comision de Relaciones Humanas $20.00 More Details
  The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology the Ariosophists of Austria and Germany, 1890-1935
Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas / Butler, Rohan [Forword] 1992 I. B. Tauris $25.00 More Details
  Shtetl Memoirs: Jewish Life in Galicia under the Austro-Hungarian Empire and in the Reborn Poland 1898-1939
Schoenfeld, Joachim / Marrus, Michael [Forword] 1985 Ktav $240.00 More Details
  Ich Bin Ein Jude: Travels Through Europe On The Edge Of Savagery
Brin, Herb \ Wiesel, Elie [Preface] 1982 Jonathan David Publishers $20.00 More Details
  No Way Out: The Politics Of Polish Jewry 1935-1939.
Melzer, Emanuel 1997 Hebrew Union College Press $25.00 More Details
  In the Shadow of the Crescent: The Arabs, The Holocaust and Beyond
Cooper, Leo 2010 Hybrid Publishers $20.00 More Details
  Huguenots and Jews [IN HEBREW].
Yardeni, Myriam 1998 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History / The Vidal Sasoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism $15.00 More Details
  The Facts About the Holocaust
Louvish, Misha 1982 Am Oved $15.00 More Details
  Polish-Jewish Relations During the Second World War
Ringelblum, Emmanuel \ Kermish, Joseph ; Krakowski [editors, footnotes] \ Kermish, Joseph [introduction] 1974 Yad Vashem $20.00 More Details
  Ghetto Warschau: Aufstand und Vernichtung 1943 funfzig Jahre danach zum Gedenken
Wiehn, Roy Erhard 1993 Hartung-Gorre Verlag $24.00 More Details
  John Demjanjuk: The Real Story
Mcdonald, Jim 1990 Amanda Books $20.00 More Details
  November 1938: From `Reichskristallnacht` to Genocide
Pehle, Walter H. [Ed.] / Templer, William [Trans.] 1991 Berg $25.00 More Details
  The Jews in the Soviet Union since 1917: Paradox of Survival - Volume II [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Levin, Nora 1990 New York University Press $20.00 More Details
  The Jew as the "Other" In Hungarian Literature, 1799-1847: An Anthology [IN HEBREW].
Szalai, Anna [Ed.] / Balazs, Gabor [Trans.] 2003 The Ben-Zion Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History - The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  Het Getto Van Venetie: Ponentini, Leuantini e Tedeschi 1516- 1797 \ The Ghetto in Venice: Ponentini Leuantini e Tedeschi 1516 - 1797
Cohen, Julie-Marthe [Ed.] 1990 SDU uitgeverij / Jewish Historical Museum $25.00 More Details
  The Schools of Ba`athism: A Study of Syrian Schoolbooks
Wurmster, Meyrav 2000 The Middle East Media Research Institute $18.00 More Details
  Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis.
Proctor, Robert 1988 Harvard University Press $24.00 More Details
  Why Germany?: National Socialist Anti-Semitism and the European Context.
Milfull, John [Ed.] 1993 Berg $45.00 More Details
  Anti-Semitism in Germany: The Post-Nazi Epoch Since 1945
Bergmann, Werner ; Erb, Rainer / Cooper, Belinda ; Brown, Allison [Trans.] 1997 Transaction Publishers $30.00 More Details
  The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism
Kuhl, Stefan 1994 Oxford University Press $20.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 284) 

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