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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 704) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Spinoza`s Short Treatise on God, Man, & His Well-Being.
Spinoza, Baruch / Wolf, A. [Trans., Ed., Intro.] 1910 Adam and Charles Black $35.00 More Details
  Genesis and Regeneration: Essays on Conceptions of Origins.
Shaked, Shaul [Ed.] 2005 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $20.31 More Details
  Discours sur l`Histoire Universelle [TWO VOLUME SET]
Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne / Gaste, Armand [Notes, Introduction] 1885 Librairie des Bibliophiles / Editions Jouaust $48.00 More Details
  The Philosophy of the Fourteenth Century Jewish Neopltonic Circle [IN HEBREW]
Schwartz, Dov The Bialik Institute / The Ben Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East $17.19 More Details
  Ceremonial Selon le Rit Romain: d`Apres Baldeschi et Favrel - Tome Second [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Le Vavasseur, R. P. 1882 Librairie Victor Lecoffre $30.00 More Details
  La Vierge Marie et Le Plan Divine: Nouvelles Etudes Philosophiques Sur le Christianisme [FOUR VOLUME SET]
Nicolas, Auguste 1869 Vaton Freres $65.00 More Details
  Circulus Philosophicus Seu Obiectionum Cumulata Collectio: Iuxta Methodum Scholasticam [SET IN 5 VOLUMES. VOLUME 4 MISSING]
Carbone, Caesare 1934-1938 Officina Libraria Marietti $95.00 More Details
  Ceremonial Selon Le Rit Romain [SET IN TWO VOLUMES]
Le Vavasseur, R. P. 1902 Librairie Victor Lecoffre $40.00 More Details
  Theology in Mathematics?.
Krajewski, Stanislaw ; Trzesicki, Kazimierz [Ed.] 2016 University of Bialystok $65.00 More Details
  "When Gods Were Men": The Embodied God in Biblical and Near Eastern Literature [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Hamori, Esther J. 2008 Walter de Gruyter $75.00 More Details
  The Psalms: Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary.
Terrien, Samuel 2003 William B. Eerdmans $25.00 More Details
  Laws in the Bible and in Early Rabbinic Collections: The Legal Legacy of the Ancient Near East
Greengus, Samuel 2011 Cascade Books $20.00 More Details
  The Hymns of the Brebiary and Missal
Britt, Matthew [Ed.] 1922 Benziger Brothers $28.00 More Details
  The Prayers of the Missal I: The Sunday Collects
Martindale, C.C. 1938 Sheed & Ward $20.00 More Details
  La priere de l`eglise [TWO VOLUMES SET].
Molien, L. 1944 Letouzey et Ane $65.00 More Details
  Das Judentum und die geistigen Strömungen des 19. Jahrhunderts [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR]
Lewkowitz, Albert 1935 M. & H. Marcus $45.00 More Details
  Das Judentum und das Wesen des Christentums.
Eschelbacher, Joseph 1908 M. Poppelauer $20.00 More Details
  La Liturgie magie, spectacle ou action divine?
Busato, Daniel 1962 Privat $40.00 More Details
  Santo Agostinho: Contra os Acadêmicos, A Ordem, A Grandeza da Alma, O Mestre.
Augustine / Sliva Santos, Bento [Ed.] 2008 Paulus $20.00 More Details
  Religion and Truth: Towards an Alternative Paradigm for the Study of Religion [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR].
Wiebe, Donald 1981 Mouton $20.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 704) 

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