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Gardening and Agriculture

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 56) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Encyclopédie des Sciences de la Nature / Encyclopedia of Natural Sciences [al-Mawsu`a fi `ulum al-tabi`a: tabhatu fi al-zira`a wa-al-nabat wa-al-hayawan wa-al-tayr wa-al-samak wa-al-hasarat wa-al-futur] [IN ARABIC with index/lexicon vol. IN LATIN & GREEK, FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN] [FOUR VOLUME SET].
Ghaleb, Edouard [Eduard; Idwar; Galib; ] [1988-1989] Dar el-Machreq sarl $390.00 More Details
  Agricola: A Study of Agriculture and Rustic Life in the Gerco-Roman World from the Point of View of Labour.
Heitland, W. E. 1921 University Press $35.00 More Details
  The Children`s Book of Gardening
Sidgwick, Alfred ; Paynter / Robinson, Winifred Cayley [Illus.] 1909 Adam and Charles Black $45.00 More Details
  Rural Planning in Developing Countries: Report on the Second Rehovoth Conference, Israel, August 1963.
Weitz, Raanan 1965 Routledge / Kegan Paul $30.00 More Details
  Seventieth Anniversary of Pardess: 1900-1970 [IN HEBREW].
Agudat "Pardes" $17.19 More Details
New Developments in Marine Biotechnology.
Le Gal, Y.; Halvorson, H. O.; Lambert, Anne-Marie [Eds.] 1993 Plenum Press $85.00 More Details
  A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns
Willis, J. C. [John Christopher] / Shaw, H. K. Airy [Ed.] 1980 Cambridge University Press $25.00 More Details
  Linear Programming and Animal Nutrition.
Dent, J. B. ; Casey H. 1967 Crosby Lockwood & Son $25.00 More Details
Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Citrus in Israel [IN HEBREW]
Porath, A. [Ed.] 1975 The Agricultural Workers` Organization of Israel / Israel Citrus Growers Association / Sifriat Poalim / Workers` Book Guild $17.19 More Details
  Sacred Bounty Sacred Land: The Seven Species of the Land of Israel
Goodnick Westenholz, Joan [Ed.] 1998 Bible Lands Museum $17.19 More Details
  Agricultural Extension: A Sociological Appraisal
Molho, Sara ; Gitlin, Marcia [Eds.] / Gazit, Yaacov [Tr.] 1970 Keter $20.00 More Details
  Schweizer Garten: April 1939; Januar 1940; Februar 1940; März 1940; April 1940; Mai 1940 [SIX VOLUMES BOUND IN ONE]
1939 \ 1940 Ed. Hoffmann-Lang $30.00 More Details
Field Mice Control in Palestine.
Bodenheimer, F. S.; Klein, H. Z. 1928 The Zionist Executive \ Hapoel Hazair $20.31 More Details
  Kulturpflanzen der Weltwirtschaft.
Warburg, Otto ; Van Someren Brand, J. E. ND [1910] R. Voigtlanders Verlag $45.00 More Details
Report on the Value of Secular Real Estate in Israel - Owned by Former Residents of German Nationality or Extraction [Value of Templar Real Estate in Israel] [RARE!]
Brandt, Karl (Dr. Dr. h. c.) 1957 $1,200.00 More Details
  Privatization in Rural Eastern Europe: The Process of Restitution and Restructuring.
Turnock, David [Ed.] / Hall, Derek; Carter, Frank; Bicik, I. & Götz, A.; Wilson, O.; Varga, Zs.; Gorz, B. & Kurek, W.; Vriser, Igor; et al. 1998 Edward Elgar $30.00 More Details
  Jardins Modeles.
Hobhouse, Penelope \ Cherouvrier, Annie [Trans.] 1989 Flammarion $26.00 More Details
  The Transformation of the Agrifood System in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
Hobbs, J. E. ; Kerr, W. A. ; Gaisford, J. D. 1997 Cab International $40.00 More Details
Plants and Animals of the Land of Israel - An Illustrated Encyclopedia: Volume 12 - Plants and Animals in the Service of Mankind [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [HEBREW]
Alon, Azaria; Arnon, Isaac [Eds.] 1988 Ministry of Defence \ Society for Protection of Nature $29.69 More Details
  Human Settlement and Regional Development : Presented to Raanan Weitz.
Rozenman, Abraham [Ed.] 1984 Keter $14.06 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 56) 

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