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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 97) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Fauna Palaestina - Insecta V - Odonata of the Levant [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Dumont, Henri J. 1991 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $25.00 More Details
  Fauna Palaestina: Insecta IV+V+VI [VOLUMES IV+V+VI ONLY]
Freidberg, A.; Kugler, J.; Dumont, H.; Botosaneanu, L. 1989 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $65.00 More Details
  Body and Mature Behaviour [Behavior]: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation & Learning
Feldenkrais, M. [Moshe] 1989 Alef $15.00 More Details
  A Dictionary of the Natural Environment [ENGLISH AND ARABIC]
Al-Khatib, A. Sh. 1979 Librairie du Liban $20.00 More Details
  Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition
Donald, Merlin 1991 Harvard University $35.00 More Details
  The Fabric of the Mind: A Radical New Understanding of the Brain and How it Works
Bergland, Richard / Bromley, Kati [Illus.] 1986 Viking $30.00 More Details
  Parkinson`s Disease: The Role of Dopamine Agonists.
Lieberman, A. ; Lataste, X [Eds.] 1989 The Parthenon Publishing Group $20.00 More Details
  The Jerusalem Symposia on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry [TWO VOLUME SET].
Bergmann, Ernst D. ; Pullman, Bernard [Eds.] 1969 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $45.00 More Details
  Introduction to Modern Physics [IN HEBREW].
Pfeffer, Jeremy ; Nir, Shlomo 1993 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $17.19 More Details
Encyclopédie des Sciences de la Nature / Encyclopedia of Natural Sciences [al-Mawsu`a fi `ulum al-tabi`a: tabhatu fi al-zira`a wa-al-nabat wa-al-hayawan wa-al-tayr wa-al-samak wa-al-hasarat wa-al-futur] [IN ARABIC with index/lexicon vol. IN LATIN & GREEK, FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN] [FOUR VOLUME SET].
Ghaleb, Edouard [Eduard; Idwar; Galib; ] [1988-1989] Dar el-Machreq sarl $390.00 More Details
  Microbial Mats: Physiological Ecology of Benthic Microbial Communities
Cohen, Yehuda; Rosenberg, Eugene [Ed`] 1989 American Society for Microbiology $20.00 More Details
  Amphipoda: Hyperiidea of Israel - A Morphological Atlas
Zelickman, Angelina A. 2005 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $35.00 More Details
  Amphipoda: Hyperiidea of Israel - A Morphological Atlas.
Zelickman, Angelina A. 2005 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $45.00 More Details
  Culture Générale: une Synthese Historique - Tome Second: Sciences et Techniques [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Baumhauer, Hermann; Borel, Gaston; Eckener, Knut; et al. [Eds.] / Walter, Richard [Tr.] 1950 Editions Emile Frei S.A. $35.00 More Details
  Flora Palaestina: Part Three, Ericaceae to Compositae - Text [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Feinbrun-Dothan, Naomi 2000 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $35.00 More Details
  Drei Aufsätze über Spektren und Atombau.
Bohr, N. [Niels] 1922 Frieder. Vieweg $20.00 More Details
  Clofres: Checklist of the Fishes of the Red Sea
Dor, Menahem 1984 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $30.00 More Details
  Space and Geometry: in the Light of Physiological, Psychological and Physical Inquiry
Mach, Ernst / McCormack, Thomas J. [Tr.] 1943 The Open Court Publishing Company $25.00 More Details
  A First Course in Differential Geometry.
Hsiung, Chuan-Chih 1981 John Wiley & Sons $30.00 More Details
Ethical Problems in the Rapid Advancement of Science.
Zydowo, Mariusz M. [Ed.] / Baluk-Ulewiczowa, Teresa [Tr.]; Gibinsky, Kornel; Rotblatt, Joseph; Safjan, M.; Dylus, A.; Bierc, A.; et al. 2005 Polish Academy of Science, Committee on Ethics in Science [Polska Akademia Nauk, Komisja Etyki w Nauce] $50.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 97) 

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