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Geology & Mineralogy

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 41 to 44 (of 44) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Great Salt Lake [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR!]
Gwynn, J. Wallace 1980 Utah Geological and Mineral Survey $48.00 More Details
The Geology of Southern Sinai: Its Implication for the Evolution of the Arabo-Nubian Massif. Volume One: Jebel Sabbagh Sheet
Bentor, Y.K. / Eyal, M. 1987 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $43.75 More Details
Lehrbuch der Mineralogie und Geologie
Schmid, Bastian J. F. Schreiber $19.00 More Details
Manganese: The other uses
Weiss, Stanley A 1977 Metal Bulletin $30.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 44 (of 44) 

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