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Sex & Erotics

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Showing books 21 to 32 (of 32) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Accursed Share : An Essay on General Economy [VOLME TWO AND THREE ONLY].
Bataille, George 1993 Zone Books $15.00 More Details
  Dialogues des Courtisanes [LIMITED EDITION - COPY #430 OF 590]
Lucien [de Samosate; Lucian of Samosata] / Eudes, George [Tr.] / Sigros, Dan [Illustr.] 1946 Editions du Mouflon $45.00 More Details
  Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie
Freud, Sigm. [Sigmund] 1920 Franz Deuticke $55.00 More Details
  Phantasies of a Love-Thief: The Caurapancasika Attributed to Bilhana.
Stoler Miller, Barbara [Tr.] / Bilhana [Kavi; Kaviraj] 1971 Columbia University Press $20.00 More Details
  Gamliel (Une Orgie au temps de Jesus).
Ibels, Andre 1901 Offenstadt Freres $25.00 More Details
  Samlung Jidischn Humor un Erotik - Proverbia Judaeorum Erotica et Turpia [Sammlung judischen Humor und Erotik].
1971 "Renaissance" Publishing House [Beir. Löwit Verlag] $45.00 More Details
  L`ecrin Secret du Bibliophile / Manuel D`Erotologie Classique [IN THREE VOLUMES]
Forberg, Friedrich-Karl 1959 Cercle du Livre Precieux $55.00 More Details
  Sexual Behavior in the Human Female [IN HEBREW].
Kinsey, Alfred C. ; Pomeroy, Wardell B. ; Martin, Clyde E. ; Gebhard, Paul H. 1954 Achiasaff $20.31 More Details
  Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility [IN HEBREW]
Greer, Germaine 1992 Zmora-Bitan $14.06 More Details
  Comptes Amoureux: Reimpression Textuelle de l`Edition de Lyon, 1574
Flore, Jeanne 1971 Slatkine Reprints $20.00 More Details
Cinquante Dialogues [Douze Douzains de Dialogues] [LIMITED EDITION]
Louÿs, Pierre (Louys) / Collot, André [Illustr.] 1950 Cythere $135.00 More Details
The Way of a Man with a Maid: An Anthology of Courtship and Wooing
Rendall, Vernon 1936 Methuen & Co. $30.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 32 (of 32) 

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