Die Königspsalmen - Die altorientalisch-kanaanäische Königstradition in jüdischer Sicht. Teil 1 - Ps 20, 21, 72, 101 und 144.  
  Mit einem Beitrag von I. Kottsieper zu Papyrus Amherst. [SERIES]: Ugaritisch-Biblische Literatur (UBL) - Band 6.  

Author Loretz, Oswald / Kottsieper, I.
Place of Publication Münster
Publication Name Ugarit-Verlag
Year 1988
Language(s) German
RARE monograph on the relation of ancient Near Eastern coronation psalms to the Biblical Psalms by Oswald Loretz, Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Orientalist studies at the University of Münster and one of the leading authorities in Ugaritic studies. 245x170mm. VII+261 pages [+3]. Hardcover. Cover corners and spine edges slightly bumped. Bump-mark on front cover upper and bottom edges. Pages slightly yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare monograph, of interest to scholars of the Old Testament and the ancient Near East, is in very good condition.
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  • This book may take up to two business days to be retrieved from storage.
Price $40.00
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Catalog Index Number AR 1029 006

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