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  Rabbinisch-aramäisch-deutsches Wörterbuch zur Kenntniß [Kenntnis] des Talmuds, der Targumim und Midraschim - Erster Theil [Teil] [PART 1 ONLY OF 6] [PRAGUE 1819/1824/1835]  
  Mit Anmerkungen für Philologie, Geschichte, Archäologie, Geographie, Natur und Kunst.  

Author Landau, Moses Jisrael [Mosheh Yisra’el; Israel]/ Nathan of Rome / Benjamin Mussafia.
Place of Publication Prag
Publication Name Schollischen Buchdruckerei
Year 1819
Language(s) Hebrew German Aramaic
FIRST PART ONLY of `Aruk (or Aruch) in six parts, the lexicon for the language of the Talmud and the Targum compiled in the 12th century by R. Nathan of Rome. The book includes the additions of 16th century scholar Benjamin Mussafia, and original additions, introduction and German translation of the words by Moses Israel Landau, grandson of Judah Landau of Prague. 208x130mm. 232+46 pages. Marbled quarter-cloth hardcover. Cover worn, stained and peeling. Cover edges bumped. Spine hinges worn and peeling. Ex libris sticker on endpapers. Hebrew title page and 8 introduction pages missing. Whitepage and page 1 (German side) torn. Pen inscription on title page. Some pages stained. Pages yellowing. [SUMMARY]: Despite the aforementioned damage, this rare edition of an important Talmudic dictionary is in good reading condition.
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  • Photographs of this book are available on demand.
Price $95.00
(Price does not include shipping costs!)
Catalog Index Number ME 11 02

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