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Berliner Indologische Studien [BIS] - Band 13/14, 2000.
Herausgegeben vom Institut für Indische Philologie und Kunstgeschichte der Freien Universität Berlin.
Falk, Harry; Flügel, P.; Khokhlova, L.; Nespital, Helmut; Sänger, A.; Schmidt, R.L.; Strauch, I.; Zakharyin, B.; Bruhn, K.; Gail, A.; et al
Place of Publication
Publication Name
Dr. Inge Wezler, Verlag für Orientalistische Fachpublikationen
English German
RARE collection of Indological papers published on behalf of The Freie Universität, Berlin. Contents: Gerhard Ehlers - Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Edition des Jaiminiya Brahmana. Harry Falk - Two New Inscriptions from the Time of Huviska. Peter Flügel - Protestantische und Post-Protestantische Jaina-Reformbewegungen: Zur Geschichte und Organisation der Sthanakavasi I. Eberhard Guhe - Intensionale Aspekte der indischen Logik. Ludmila V. Khokhlova - Typological Evolution of Western NIA Languages. Helmut Nespital - The Functions of Word Order in Simple Sentences in Indo-Aryan and Dravidian Languages. The Language of Mirza Ghalib`s Poetry and Letters in the Context of the Linguistic History of Urdu. Anke Sänger - Drei frühe Editionen des Vasisthadharmasastra. Ruth Laila Schmidt - Typology of Shina Pronouns. Ingo Strauch - Zwei Stempel aus Swat (Pakistan). Boris A. Zakharyin - Visubandhu versus Panini on Skr. pratitya - A Case for Ideology or Linguistics? Gouriswar Bhattacharya - Nandipada or Nandyavarta. Klaus Bruhn - The Grammar of Jina Iconography II. Adalbert J.Gail - Der sogenannte Parasurama von Phnom Da. Gerd J.R.Mevissen - Corpus of Jaina Stone Sculptures Bearing graha.s as Subsidiary Figures. R.K.K. Rajarajan - Dancing Ardhanari as Pattini-Kannaki with Special Reference to the Cilappatikaram. Falk Reitz - The Western Facade of St Mary`s Church (Martha Mariam Forane Church) in Kaduthuruthi (Kottayam Dt., Kerala). Contains b&w plates. 240x170mm. 439 pages. Softcover. Spine slightly wrinkled. In very good condition.
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Catalog Index Number
MC 11 16
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