Berliner Indologische Studien [BIS] - Band 13/14, 2000.  
  Herausgegeben vom Institut für Indische Philologie und Kunstgeschichte der Freien Universität Berlin.  

Author Falk, Harry; Flügel, P.; Khokhlova, L.; Nespital, Helmut; Sänger, A.; Schmidt, R.L.; Strauch, I.; Zakharyin, B.; Bruhn, K.; Gail, A.; et al
Place of Publication Reinbek
Publication Name Dr. Inge Wezler, Verlag für Orientalistische Fachpublikationen
Year 2000
Language(s) English German
RARE collection of Indological papers published on behalf of The Freie Universität, Berlin. Contents: Gerhard Ehlers - Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Edition des Jaiminiya Brahmana. Harry Falk - Two New Inscriptions from the Time of Huviska. Peter Flügel - Protestantische und Post-Protestantische Jaina-Reformbewegungen: Zur Geschichte und Organisation der Sthanakavasi I. Eberhard Guhe - Intensionale Aspekte der indischen Logik. Ludmila V. Khokhlova - Typological Evolution of Western NIA Languages. Helmut Nespital - The Functions of Word Order in Simple Sentences in Indo-Aryan and Dravidian Languages. The Language of Mirza Ghalib`s Poetry and Letters in the Context of the Linguistic History of Urdu. Anke Sänger - Drei frühe Editionen des Vasisthadharmasastra. Ruth Laila Schmidt - Typology of Shina Pronouns. Ingo Strauch - Zwei Stempel aus Swat (Pakistan). Boris A. Zakharyin - Visubandhu versus Panini on Skr. pratitya - A Case for Ideology or Linguistics? Gouriswar Bhattacharya - Nandipada or Nandyavarta. Klaus Bruhn - The Grammar of Jina Iconography II. Adalbert J.Gail - Der sogenannte Parasurama von Phnom Da. Gerd J.R.Mevissen - Corpus of Jaina Stone Sculptures Bearing graha.s as Subsidiary Figures. R.K.K. Rajarajan - Dancing Ardhanari as Pattini-Kannaki with Special Reference to the Cilappatikaram. Falk Reitz - The Western Facade of St Mary`s Church (Martha Mariam Forane Church) in Kaduthuruthi (Kottayam Dt., Kerala). Contains b&w plates. 240x170mm. 439 pages. Softcover. Spine slightly wrinkled. In very good condition.
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Price $55.00
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Catalog Index Number MC 11 16

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