Nutrition and Health - Topics and Controversies.  

Author Bronner, Felix [Ed.] / Grundy S.M.; Jacobs, M.; Kritchevsky, D.; Milner, J.A.; Woteki, C.E.; Bowen, D.J.;Tinker, L.F.; Stein, W.D.; et al.
Place of Publication Boca Raton / New York / London / Tokyo
Publication Name CRC Press
Year 1995
Language(s) English
RARE collection of medical papers on nutrition by the leading authorities in the field. [CONTENTS]: Trends in American Dietary Patterns: Research Issues and Policy Implications by Marion Nestle & Catherine E. Woteki / Controversies in Changing Dietary Behavior by Deborah J. Bowen and Lesley F. Tinker / Nutrition in Cancer Prevention and Adjuvant Therapy by Maryce M. Jacobs / Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease: How Can Nutrition Help? by David Kritchevsky / Calcium Nutrition and Osteoporosis by Felix Bronner and Wilfred D. Stein / Calcium and the Myocardium: What Can Nutrition Do? by Chandana Saha, Ronglih Liao, Gowriharan Thaiyananthan & Judith K. Gwathmey / Vitamin E: Do We Need It? by Lloyd A. Witting / Selenium: Do We Dare Neglect It? by John A. Milner / Antioxidants and Atherosclerosis by I. Jialal, Scott M.Grundy & S. Deveraj. Index. 240x160mm. XII+250 pages. Hardcover. Cover slightly rubbed. Front cover upper edge slightly worn. Scratch-mark on rear cover. Spine edges slightly bumped. Ex-library copy stickers with on spine and rear inner cover, stamp on whitepages and title page. Else in good condition.
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Price $95.00
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Catalog Index Number MA 07 20

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